by Nadina Boun channeling her Higher Council, June 30, 2023
The reason we ask that you raise your consciousness is not because of some cataclysm coming to end your world. It’s because you asked for a better world, and because it is you that is creating your world.
There are 8 billion people on this planet. Imagine if all 8 billion looked at the doom and gloom, and at the problems in the world. What would happen to the energy that you are all holding and emanating? More doom and gloom for certain.
The reason we ask that you raise your consciousness, that you look for the good, is because you’ve been asking. Every time you see an injustice, there’s a desire within you for people to treat one another better, and to be treated better. That desire echoes in the collective family of Earth.
If all you do is desire but never take action, nothing can happen, for even though the ideas will come, the help and support for you to create better will also come. It is you who is creating your world in the image that you hold in mind.
To take a small step to a better world is to begin now to see where the good is; how you can add to that positive energy flowing, how you can do your part to think bigger and better about yourself, about this planet, and about this world that you are all co-creating with your fellow human brothers and sisters.
We ask you to raise your consciousness, because the time has come for you to create and live that which you’ve been asking for; the better that you all desire.
And it’s not going to be by pointing out the villains. It’s not going to be by destroying governments. It’s going to be by the standard that you hold yourself to: whether you elevate yourself, or sink to the level of your world and its problems.
To raise your consciousness is to lift yourself up from the mud where you find yourself. It is to look beyond the problems, and to be the solution when you can be. This means that it starts with you ~
- Letting go of the differences,
- Healing the arguments,
- Forgiving those who’ve betrayed you,
- Allowing people to be different than you are,
- Being kind to the stranger down the street,
- Being kind to yourself, and to those around you,
- Paying attention to not pollute your planet,
- Saying no to what you are against by not being involved,
- Letting go the petty details that create differences and separation between people.
To change your world, you must change, and that’s why we ask that you raise your consciousness and look at that puzzle from a larger view, pointing out the good that is there for you to find, and being the solution when you can. Because you are the change.
There is no world without you. Each one of you makes up your world. And every desire, every intention, every act, and every thought echoes in that collective. When you are in a more positive, hopeful, joyful, loving mood, echoing love into the collective, the more love is being added. When each of you begins to open their heart to the love already within, the love that you truly are, you’ll create differently, and your world will then change and reflect that.
There is no savior coming from ‘up there.’ It’s your world and only you can change it. That’s why we ask that you raise your consciousness, that you become the larger You that you are, so that you can change your world into the beautiful image that you want to create and experience.
You are the solution, you are the key, you are the savior. It starts with you, and it starts now. You can say that this world you are all co-creating is your baby. So make sure that you drop seeds of goodness in there. Whenever you have a moment, fill yourself with love, and send that loving vibration out to your world, to your brothers and sisters, to the animals, to the trees, to every life form on the planet, to the planet itself.
Send out those intentions into the collective field, of love for all, health and plenty, harmony and joy, freedom and laughter, of healing, of enlightenment for all. Those energies and intentions you send will become part of the collective consciousness and mindset, so you all get to create that loving, harmonious world that you so desire and deserve.
We leave you in peace, in love, in light…and we always hold the highest intention for you. So hold the highest intention for yourself, your world and your planet ~ and it will be so. You are all loved beyond measure. It is time that you reap the benefits of what you’ve sown.