Following the revelation that had me “get” as a holistic experience what creative partnership with Michael meant, I’m a little off-balance while at the same time having another creative spurt.
This creative explosion is similar to what happened after something – I know not what – merged with me on June 7, 2021. (1)
One thought has been occupying my mind all today. That’s imagining what it would be like to channel Michael.
The thought thrills me.
That means that, after the Reval, when I face a big decision, I could ask him, immediately, about my decision. He’s said he would tell me when to speak and what to say, not leave me without aid, and always be by my side. Does that not imply that we could be in direct communication?
I have a cosmic NDA (non-disclosure agreement) on some areas, which I acknowledge and honor. (2) But I feel OK talking about this aspect of things.
Whether I like it or not, the delivery of my envelope has shaken my life up big time.
As the Federation said: You’ll know what to do. Everything to be known will be communicated. That fits my experience entirely.
But can you imagine if it results in me being able to get and transcribe answers from Michael on wide-roaming questions? I resonate with that so much it has to be in the cards.
OMG, I’d never stop asking. I’d never sleep.
Cross-cultural spirituality, the angelic kingdom (from which all of us come), multidimensionality, the heart, a vision, and the present moment as portals to the higher dimensions. What happens when we go back and reunite with Father/Mother One? What are the dimensions said to be in the Transcendental? On and on.
Previously I had little interest in channeling, but my interest has now grown. (3) Ok, exploded!
In getting excited about such an idea, I see the truth of what the Company of Heaven says about “just build Nova Earth and the recalcitrants will see what fun you’re having and join you.”
I completely forget about the cabal when I think of some of the exciting projects we could run on Nova Earth in this area.
Leaving me out of the picture, here are some that I’ve wanted to do since 2007. I’d like to empower and employ panels of mediums to answer questions from medical personnel, physicists, technologists, etc. Tesla could tell us what he really had in mind. Can you imagine asking Socrates a question? Gosh, I’d like to ask Akhenaton if he was talking about the inner or the outer sun – the Atman or Sol. I say, the inner sun. (4)
I’d also like to see other panels of mediums exploring life in the higher dimensions as described by mentors on the other side. I’m still looking for a new map of heaven, described by those who really do know, people like Matthew Ward who designed the afterlife planetary dimensions associated with Gaia/Earth as well as much of our Ascension plan. (5)
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) On June 7, 2021, see “Mapping a Possible Soul Merge,” August 12, 2021, at, and in An Ascension Ethnography at
Something merged with me on June 7, 2021. In the next four months, I compiled something like six books.
I now feel a similar surge of energy and am working on several projects at once again. I have four articles in progress at the same time. And I’m writing a book. This is unusually active for me.
(2) See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
(3) After recent developments, principally, the recent revelation of the meaning and significance of co-creative partnership. See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” ibid.
(4) See “Was Akhenaten a Worshipper of the Sun? Surely Not,” July 18, 2002/Dec. 31, 2005, at
(5) As far as I got with it is New Maps of Heaven, found here:
“As one of the highest universal council’s designers of the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age, I could give you firsthand information about [the plan].” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2014.)