Here’s SaLuSa in 2012 giving a capsule summary of exactly what we’re going through now.
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey, Dec. 14, 2012.
General conditions on Earth are getting worse due to weather variations, and also interference in markets that are being manipulated for gain. Whether it be food or money, speculators continue to bring misery in a world that is already in a turmoil. However, these conditions will not last very long and will not be allowed to be repeated.
Big business and especially the banks will be totally re-organized, so as to ensure there is never again a collapse like you recently experienced. Monetary systems will in any event change, and a fairer system of valuation introduced. It will result in honest trading and put an end to corrupt practices.
As we have told you many times, wealth also will be re-distributed and we are already starting to recover hidden caches of valuable metals. … You will have sufficient to ensure that everyone is above the poverty levels that so many are experiencing now.
Money and valuables acquired honestly will be kept in possession of the bona fide owners. However, anything else that has been obtained dishonestly will be recovered. A feature of your future lives will be that criminality will disappear, as such actions will not enter the minds of those who have ascended. Consciousness levels will be so high that honesty in all dealings can be taken for granted. Plus the fact that people that are cared for and have their needs covered are happy and at One with everyone else.