I can’t write about something I don’t know about.
Before a few years ago, I could not write about what’s happening to children underground.
As far as I knew, nothing was happening. Now I know things I could not possibly write about without secondarily traumatizing you and having you put down your computer and go no further.
Similarly, if I accuse you of something, I need to know about that something. And, in international affairs, in many if not most cases, I’m also guilty of what I’m accusing you of.
Without using names, the daughter of a high-ranking government official, who was a dark figure in her own right, accused another person of crimes she was later executed for herself. Covering the story, the reporter notes:
“It’s a praxis of the Deep State to accuse their enemies of the very crimes they are committing.”
On another occasion:
Russian FSB agent Andrei Zakharov: “It is common that the Deep State accuses its enemies of heinous crimes they perpetrate themselves. It is, how do you say it, the oldest play in the book.” (1)
In Sociology, back in the day, we used to call this the “mirror effect.” Accuse your enemy of what you yourself did. The latest example of this was the Nord Stream which Americans blamed on Russia, when in fact it appears the U.S. itself blew up the pipeline.
As Mr. Zakharov implies, the deep state in all governments has been doing this since forever, openly or subtly. Their strategy of divide-and-conquer relies on it heavily, along with other tools like problem-reaction-solution (to extend control over the populace), lethal threats, and sexual entrapment.
For a short while, because Ascension approaches, some of us need to counter the deep state’s moves and arrest and incarcerate murderers, torturers, kidnappers, drug, gun, and child traffickers, etc.
The rest of us need to allow and support it while remaining peaceful. The Emergency Broadcast System going off will allow us 24 hours to get home and after that we need to cooperate with … law enforcement.
Not the kind of law enforcement that shoots a critic at a stop light or arrests the innocent and lets the guilty go (Jan. 6?).
The white hat military will be in control.
That’s the last we’ll see of the Internet for a short while. When it comes back on, it will have been scrubbed.
If there was ever anything you wanted to do on the Internet as it is – particularly anything you wanted to download (2) – perhaps best to do it now.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) In “Putin Laughs at International Arrest Warrant ~ March 18, 2023,” Rose Rambles, at https://roserambles.org/2023/03/18/putin-laughs-at-international-arrest-warrant-march-18-2023/.
(2) Like any of the books from the Downloads Page.