With thanks to Daren, this video speaks volumes.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor
discusses the war in Ukraine
with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Colonel Macgregor graduated from West Point Academy and is considered “one of the Army’s leading thinkers on innovation.”
He became prominent inside the Army when his book, Breaking the Phalanx, was published in 1997 arguing for radical reforms – peace on Earth.
From the teachings of the Universal Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation, Sanat Kumara had this to say when I phoned in with a question about abundance.
(I was asking about abundance, but what I was really asking about (didn’t understand this at the time!) was self-worth, and abundance of self-worth is truly gratitude and joy, forgiveness that creates peace, deep compassion/non-judgement/Love — and LOVE IS EVERYTHING.)
Our inner work creates peace on Earth — as within so without.
Never underestimate the power of our inner work 🙂 and then sending that peace, Love and compassion, joy/self-worth to the Collective.
Here are notes from my question:
K: I have a question about currency, our human love of money – currency (LOVE PEACE JOY), the currency of life.
Could you give us a practical application of the Law of Instantaneous Transmission to bring about personal financial abundance?
SK: What you are activating is your design that allows for worthiness, for abundance, and for completion.
I Am Worthiness
I Am Abundance
I Am Completion
He said we do have a Love of currency and the Universal Law of Currency is the Currency of LOVE (PEACE JOY).
That is the starting point.
The collective soul design of humanity
This group of close to 7 billion on planet at this moment (2013), the collective design is not one of impoverishment. (There are 8 billion on planet now, 2023.)
It never was.
That was the illusion of the 3rd dimension.
So, what we are doing is activating:
receptivity – I Am Receptive
the openness of self-worth
I Am the Openness of Self-Worth
the ability to receive abundance
I Am the Ability to Receive Abundance
So, there is:
1. I Am Self-Worth
2. I Am Receptivity
3. I Am the Ability to Give and Receive
4. I Am the Willingness to Move Forward
Establishing and recognizing our own Currency of Love
Bringing forth currency (LOVE) in the physical realm
5. I Am My Own Deservingness
6. I Am My Own Worth to Experience
7. I Am the Ability to Create and Play
It is not born of neediness.
So, re-framing:
all neediness
all ‘I’m not worthy’
I Am Willing to Receive
In that way, we create and raise the vibration for the frequency of the human beings.
Therefore, we are holding the frequency for the collective of the willingness to receive (LOVE PEACE JOY):
I Am Holding the Frequency for the Collective
of the Willingness to Receive (LOVE PEACE JOY)
We are doing the work through our fields.
When we activate this, we are committing our selves to holding this for the collective.
We are communicating this, whether it is:
I Am Currency (PEACE)
I Am Perfect Health (LOVE)
I Am Generosity (JOY)
We are communicating this to the collective.
We are re-framing the neediness, the panic, the fear, the “Will I receive?” Will it be in time?” “Will I be able to pay my rent?” to I Am the Currency of Love. . .
We are activating the Truth of our Soul Design, ‘Manna from Heaven’
The truth of our soul design — the other side will give us currency to play with — but the truth of our soul design is:
We have the Currency of Love (PEACE JOY)
to create whatever we want.
When we came forth as angels inhabiting form, did the Mother sent us to the kitchen? No.
That devolved and it was part of the human re-learning experience.
When we wanted food, we have the experience, ‘manna from Heaven’.
The food is there, and it is tasty, delicious and instantaneous.
So, this is what we are returning to.
We are our own gurus
We have come from a culture — regardless of which culture — that admires and deifies gurus.
We have had gurus who have been able to manifest instantaneously and we have put them in a different category.
We have said, “Master, teach me or simply give to me.”
What SK is saying is that we are our own gurus.
SK, Sananda and St. Germaine do not wish to be our gurus
We are our own gurus, and in this, we have the capacity to instantaneously transform air into whatever we wish.
It is time to get going.
A quote from Linda’s book, The New You, the Mother says:
“The keys to Heaven are trust and forgiveness;
the doorway is Love. Open the doorway
with your keys and step into your new life.”
SK: The wisdom and the Laws, they do not change.
So, to paraphrase Colonel Douglas: “Sadly, the people on the hill, the Cabal, is about money, greed. We have to correct these problems. . .”
We can “correct these problems” doing our inner work and sending that balance – our knowing of our own self-worth – Joy/Love/Peace to the collective.
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Sending Love
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