I’m watching the rise and fall and rise and fall of a particular personality. I’m not wanting to identify him.
He shows real leadership qualities and has oodles of courage but now we hear charges of sexism, harassment, and abuse from employees. Ooooooooo.
For me, the case typifies something Michael once said:
Archangel Michael: If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools [and] the fullness of this new energy.
So [when non-lightworkers] are assigned … or try to step up … to create and to take the leadership role, they do not have the training and insight to do it in a way that is achievable. … So there is a lack, a vacuum of leadership.
Now, who, upon this wondrous planet, has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or [is] in the limelight and is ready? … Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well, it is the lightworkers. (1)
In this case, the fellow seems to have thought that he could get away with it. And risked his valuable service over it. And fifty years ago he might have in the corrupt environment that then reigned. But not today.
Before I took up spirituality, before I saw that there was more to life than just the visible, that laws like karma operated, and that life had a purpose, I was like that personality. As long as no one saw me, I’d try to get away with things. What did it matter?
No one’s watching you. You can do what you please. Just don’t get caught.
No one told us that every move and thought was captured on something called the akashic records. No one said we had a panel of at least three angelic guardians (because we are angels) (2) constantly watching over us.
We’ve been preparing for many years in ways that non-lightworkers have not. We just may not have thought about it.
Knowing about the Divine Plan, universal laws, the protection of Michael and the Mother, the presence of our star family, and everything else makes a world of difference to me in my outlook, aims, practices, etc.
It also makes available to us standards of living, all of which can be boiled down to a single word: Love. We could stop here and all go home if everyone in the world lived in that transformative love. (3)
But we don’t and so we have mentors.
What we learn from our mentors, when we accept the relevance of the spiritual world, reshapes us so that after a while we can lead in the way that Michael describes. This gradual shaping over the years, in my opinion, is what Michael is saying lightworkers have been through that non-lightworkers will not have been.
I work for an archangel. Who among the normal population would believe that? Only another lightworker. A non-lightworker would probably laugh at the thought. Or at the idea of working with an Arcturian or a Pleiadian. And that would slow me down and might even discourage me if we were tasked with working together.
Non-lightworkers will not have entered into this context, never mind mastering some of the skills and spaces the Company of Heaven have been talking about for some time. They may not have cleared many of their major issues, which may be influencing or determining the way they think and behave.
They certainly won’t know where we’re headed and who’s headed there with us, guiding us every step of the way.
It was sad watching a person with such potential drop the ball. It showed one of the unspoken benefits of spirituality – assisting us to think and behave in ways that really make a difference in our world, in place of the slipshod ways we used to think – if we did.
(1) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.
(2) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-11.pdf
(3) Also called Christ Consciousness, associated with the Seventh Dimension.
Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?
Archangel Michael: It is the seventh dimension. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)
Sanat Kumara: Most of you are in the 5th; many of you who listen this day are in the 7th. You are in the Love; you are in the Christ Consciousness. You just haven’t fully awakened to it yet but you are there. (Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.) (My emphasis.)
You can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form [5d?] so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ-conscious Being. (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at http://goo.gl/OxNpnG.) (My emphasis.)