Amin Jabiransari and I e-met some years ago. He had a question about a dream he had had and I agreed to ask Michael.
In the answer, Michael told him he had been a pilot on Andromeda. We have that in common; I was a pilot in Atlantis. A pilot doesn’t fly a spaceship, but rather “pilots” visiting diplomatic missions around and represents the home planet. (1)
Michael also told him that he’d soon be lecturing. And he does, as “Mr. Within” on Youtube (have a look).
He gives lectures on a wide range of topics. I think we call someone like him a polymath.
Amin was a long-time resident of Canada and has recently moved to Dubai. It’s interesting that he can broadcast from Canada or Dubai with no drastic changes needed.
Recently when we reconnected, we did an interview, more of a delightful conversation, which I post here.
(1) AAM on a pilot: “You have been what at that time was known as a pilot and it was to act as the attache, cultural and physical attache, to the starships that were arriving, to welcome them, to work with them. It was far more personal than you can think of than the role of an attache or ambassador in these days. So you have communicated for the people and the wellbeing of the Atlantean population.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 26, 2011.)