So much depends on our recognizing what’s happening, what’s before our eyes, what we’re experiencing.
We may be in a higher dimension and not recognize it. (1) Or a wisp of bliss may pass through us and we put it down to something we ate or saw and think no more of it.
We fail to identify or misidentify our states of being and so we don’t fully connect with them. As someone once wrote, love knocks and finding the door closed, goes away and comes back another time.
I was listening to one of my favorite rousing pieces of music and flowing with it, higher and higher, deeper and deeper as it crescendoed.
And I said to myself of what I was experiencing: “Oh, this is love!” If it’s love, it should send back confirming resonance. But it didn’t. That word didn’t quite capture it.
“Oh, this must be bliss! “… No, I still didn’t quite capture it.
“Oh, this is ecstasy!” That captured it!
This is interesting (and not surprising) because of three things:
First, I invoked the laws of intention and sacred purpose and asked Archangel Michael last night if I could have another “bite-sized piece” to digest. (2) I think this is largely how and why this experience showed up for me: Ask and ye shall receive.
Secondly, I came across this passage from Jesus yesterday, which suggested that we’d find ourselves interdimensionally travelling:
“Popping in and out is the truth of who you are: that is why you find it increasingly more simple to jump from dimension to dimension. This popping in and out, of being where you choose, is the substance of who you are; it is part of your spiritual and physical DNA.
“I come to invite you to your resurrection. Will you please join me? Not next year, not next week. Oh, I will take you when I can get you, but the invitation is for right now, to bathe yourself, to join with the Love, and awaken tomorrow reborn.” (3)
That pretty much describes what’s happening. I’d be delighted to join you, Jesus, as far as my soul contract allows.
And, finally, the Lord Arcturus alerted me in 2019 that interdimensional travel would become part of my mission. (4)
All of us lightworkers, when we begin to travel, perhaps remember: visit; don’t stay. (5) You’re needed here.
It looks like we’ll be visiting earlier than I expected.
At last I’m in ecstasy and at a keyboard. At last I can report on it.
Nothing of an individual nature comes near me in this state. Every in-breath is an exquisite event. Every out-breath, an occasion to experience more ecstasy as it flows through me.
All my systems are in suspension. Or perhaps my awareness of them is.
I no longer know how to bend my own finger. I watch as I find the right muscles and my finger slowly bends. I’m neither concerned nor unconcerned.
I don’t know how to describe it … I haven’t a care in the world.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) See for instance “Fifth Dimension – Are We Already in It and Don’t Realize It?” We Can be in the Space and Not Recognize It,”
“Earth, a fifth density soul spiritually and consciously [is] in the initial stages of fourth density location-wise and most of her people are at third-density evolvement status. Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.” (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 3, 2014, at
(2) Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week. (“AAM on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at
(3) “Good Friday Message From Jesus Sananda,” April 10, 2020, at
(4) Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old third, which was really quite disastrous [to] the progression up through the fifth, through the six, to the seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.
Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial – and this is where mutuality comes in – that you would have, not only the intelligence, but [also] the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different). …
Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a grander plan, that the seventh dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all. (Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)
(5) Steve: Can you help me make sense of returning to my interdimensionality while not becoming a guru figure.
Archangel Michael: It is very simple: Visit; don’t stay.
So what you are doing, you are pulling [into] the 5th, into what you think of as your reality, the qualities of mastery [11th Dimension] without setting yourself apart from the masses [5th].
You … are teaching others that they can access the mastery [11th] and still be in the Christ Consciousness [7th], in the expanded awareness in the physical form [5th] and in the love [all levels]. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.)