An intelligent and thought-provoking discussion from Jared Rand about the Reval, likely outcomes, procedures, wider social implications, etc.
I haven’t seen a great many similar discussions. Thanks to Sitara.
“Jared Rand Call Notes ‘Welcome your New Wealth,’” Transcribed by Mesaville 4-12-23, at
So now we have a Quantum Financial System, which is not all on world technology, it’s a mingling of good intending beings for this transition.
I know people who have exchanged and you never hear from them and they never say another word.
Allegedly there’s this book, 49 pages whatever, in the book it tells you who you can donate to and who you can’t, I don’t know who invented that one because the quantum system already identifies the parasites that are trying to rekindle any kind of powerbase.
You have to be careful of some of the descriptions of things and how they’ve been laid out for the people who are involved with the exchange.
All Americans are going to be wealthy, there’s no ifs and buts about it, it’s an inevitability, and eventually the rest of the planet.
All Americans are owed a massive amount of money.
Like I said last week we’re really near, right now the parasites are rushing to put together an immediate crash so they can introduce a central bank digital currency.
People look at the stock market and say “How can it be doing so good?” It’s not, it’s all fake.
We have a corporation that’s been kicking the can down the road trying to avoid paying its debts and after over 200 years it’s now over and all the versions of it are over.
Revaluation of currencies has to happen, it’s logic, it’s not a secret, it’s not unusual, other countries throughout the ages have revalued their currencies.
You have to revalue the currencies to equalize the playing field of the new structure of planet Earth, in order to do that we go back to a gold backed currency.
The people in this country will become wealthy because the RV and all the RVr’s will do their exchanges and they’ll have a lot of money, it’s a given, and all the bond trades, all done and taken care of.
American people will be paid for years, no one will be broke, no one will be poor, slums will disappear, the gangs will disappear too, it’s a total restructuring of humanity on this planet.
It will be difficult for some people because they’re headlong thrusted into the game the parasites have been playing.
So the people will be hydrated well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a weekly payout to people, it’s going to help everybody get on their feet.
Since we’re so near there’s a lot of creeps trying to discredit and redirect people.
This money that you’re going to be receiving is yours, the people will benefit greatly who have hung in there over the last 15 years or more with this RV through all the crap, all the made up stuff and the false starts.
We’re all in this together, I don’t care what your status is, we’re all one people and we help each other, this is a major transition and the majority of the people really don’t have a clue.
We all know that the money will be fantabulous but that’s when our responsibility begins.
When I talk about new Earth it’s literal because all these new technologies will be implemented, all the old antiquated technologies, that hold people back from growth, will be gone.
The American people will be paid money for about 12 years, by then we probably won’t need money any more, we really won’t, and I think some people are insecure about that or the new digital system attached to our new monetary system.
We have the gold backed currency, then we have the digital end with certain software programs running the digital end, and there’s no shenanigans from corrupt bankers ever again to mess with it.
This is a huge adjustment, I don’t think people comprehend it. Why take it seriously? This is a transition that’s already done!
You look at this whole happening that’s progressing, on the left side you have the old Earth that some people are still connected with, to them it seems so real that it’s doom and gloom.
Then on the right you have new Earth, and new Earth is operating and absolutely smoothly moving along. That’s the new structure and that’s where all the new technologies will come in.This is a spiritual evolution for humanity.
Remember what I said before? This RV isn’t going to be like you thought it was, it’s going to be a lot simpler, these folks have been working on this for years, these people aren’t rookies.
This is a whole different existence, this wouldn’t be happening in old Earth, the RV happening in new Earth not old Earth, the energy is too dense in old Earth, new Earth is higher frequency and easier to introduce the RV
This is a major, major change, people will have Quantum accounts, no one will be able to mess with their money, money will be sent freely across the planet, that’s a huge difference.
Use discernment with all the new technologies that will be coming out.
CBDC is old Earth, if we look at what’s really happening we see a new Earth and you see a lot of happy people, you see the elimination of disease on the planet, you see the elimination of the body dying from old age.
So for the people that aren’t in the RV it’s no big deal because you’ll get paid very nicely for a long time.
Who’s in charge of releasing the massive amounts of hydration starting with the RV? Who are the ones in charge of releasing the wealth?
Rumor has it that it’s the Chinese Elders, there’s two sets of Elders in Asia, quite a few years ago there was a group of nasty bankers that saw the writing on the wall so they migrated to China and set up shop and called themselves the Elders, they’re fake, their spirituality is in the toilet.
Now, there is a real group of Elders, this is a group of Chinese and other Asian heritages that protect massive quantities of wealth until such a time when things are cleared up enough where they say OK we’ll release it.
People ask what’s the status on the Federal Reserve note? 80% of the people on planet Earth, and it’s growing, are no longer using the US Dollar, it’s pretty slick how they’ve hidden that in the US.
When you start putting two and two together you’ll start realizing wow this is really near, that’s reality, this is really, really, really near.So we transfer to the currency end of it, the rainbow currency, gold backed currency, then we add on the digital end with Lobstr and Stellar software programs and then we have the digital transfers to the Quantum system and then the SWIFT fiat system is dead, this is like overnight guy’s, then the new system rises up out of the ashes of the old one.
When the parasites go to exchange their currency they’ll say we’ve got a trailer full of $100 Fed notes, the bank or exchange center will say see ya, have a good day, and that’s what we’re looking at.
David Straight’s been running tirelessly all over this country teaching people, I wish that could have been done decades ago but it’s all about timing, the more people that are educated and start connecting the dots, they start realizing wow we have really been mistreated as a people.
Some of you have wealth managers, bankers or tellers that you’ve established a rapport with through the years, don’t be surprised if out of the clear blue you get a phone call, and they tell you that we’d like you to come in at such and such a time for your exchange.
Not everyone will get those phone calls, some people will have to dial in with an 800#You’d be surprised at how many people they have listed that bought one Dinar, if you bought currency from somewhere your name was recorded and reported in and the ones that gifted currency are also probably listed.
The ones that stole currency are listed but not in a good light, if you know what I mean.
Let’s just look at the money, it’s a done deal guys, that horse has been kicked so long it’s over, it’s done, people will start getting contacted, don’t even think twice about it or try to figure out how it’s going to be played out, this is going to play out surprisingly good.
So don’t be surprised if some of you get a call out of the clear blue asking you to come in and exchange, that’s not what you’ve been told the last fifteen years is it?There’s going to be an adjustment period no doubt about that, some will do it quicker than others
Within the next decade most of these advanced technologies will be moving fluidly throughout society, people will be using them in everyday lives and they will be absolutely elated at what they’ll be able to do.
It’s all done, it’s all done, period, the fat lady has already sung, is there anything holding anything up? No!
Like I said some will get a phone call and some will have to wait for the 800#, if someone calls in and doesn’t have currency they’ll get cut off, they’re prepared to get jokesters calling in.
The Zim was designed for a lot of money, more than any of the other so called currencies, it was engineered and designed to do one thing when the time came right.
The RV, you’re in it, you stayed in it and now it’s so near you’ll start experiencing, you’ll be in real time I’ll put it that way, you’ll say it’s real and then pinch yourself.