by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, March 31, 2023
Friday, 3/31/2023, the final day of a very busy month of cosmic events and political and sociological intrigue, is filled with further energetics.
Earth/Gaia is moving through a fast stream of solar wind traveling at over 600 km/s, and the KP Index is rating planetary activations as “Unsettled.”
The magnetosphere is again engulfed in pressing particle plasma on all sides ~ far side and Sun-facing.
There have been 128 earthquakes in the past 24 hours, and a strong 6.3 magnitude has occurred in Chile.
The month of March is not leaving gently.
April will be yet another month of heightened cosmic power.
The Full Moon on April 5th or 6th (based upon time zones) will occur in Tropical Libra, whose basic characteristic is a need for balance.
There will certainly need to be balance in the new month as planetary events become further chaotic.
Mercury will retrograde in Tropical Taurus on April 21st and begin its pre-shadow on the 4th as it enters that sign of its retrograde.
It will move direct on May 15th. The Solar Eclipse will occur at 29 degrees of Aries on April 20th, and later in the early morning at 4:14 AM (EDT), our Sun will enter the season of Tropical Taurus where it will conjunct Uranus in Tropical Taurus, setting-off more economic frenzy. It will also square Pluto in Tropical Aquarius, adding collective protests in various causes (political, economic, educational, etc.) to the already stirred-up global population.
Solar flares, winds, CMEs, a plasma-filled magnetosphere, strong quakes, storms and floods will all arrive as well, to further clear and cleanse this realm.
Greater illumination of the collective consciousness will also be possible as Source Light continues to flow.
It will be wise to keep-up with news events and not ignore them, because there will be a need for focused prayer.
Pluto continuing its introduction in Tropical Aquarius until June 11th when it returns to its latter Tropical Capricorn degrees (including the anaretic critical 29th degree) for the rest of the year will be a powerhouse of transformation on all levels.
As an old saying goes: “No stone will go unturned.”
Pluto’s bulldozing tendency is here. Preparation for major changes is necessary.
We must remember that when Pluto moves in with Tropical Aquarius on January 21st of 2024, that “visit” will be until 2044 ~ a twenty-year stay.
So, like the introduction to a book that gives us an overview of the later details of the book in subsequent chapters, humanity is now being given an overview of coming details of shifting aspects of world civilization.
We must pray that mankind’s actions will be righteous, and not those of mad scientists, unfit political leaders, hateful groups, and other disharmonious people ~ all of which is already occurring.
The Mercury Retrograde will offer humanity an opportunity to re-group, re-visit, re-organize, re-flect upon personal, local, national, and world events. This will require calmness and level-headedness.
Select a special verse from your preferred holy text, and recite it daily.
It should be one that speaks of the protective and healing powers of Source (called by many titles, respective of the many paths of humanity).
One of my favorite verses is from the Bhagavad Gita: “Those who preserve the Dharma are protected by the Dharma.” (spoken by Sri Baghavan Krishna).
Whatever verse you select from your holy book, also recite daily the affirmation: “I AM blessed by Source Light.”
Holy verses and affirmations relax the nervous system and help in thinking clearly.
Also, breathe deeply. This too relaxes the nervous system, and helps to heal our chakras.
As you inhale, push out the solar plexus and abdomen. As you exhale, pull them back.
This is the ancient Yogic Breath. Too many people breathe in a shallow manner and in the opposite direction in terms of the solar plexus and abdomen.
Usually, this is because of anxiety. When we breathe properly, we take in vital Prana (Life Force.)
Do something special today to invite the new month of April, and to be thankful for any blessings that March contained.
Regardless of the world’s human-created political and other types of storms, we can be the calm center if we stay in the Light.