Greetings and Salutations,
We are here to help you make the best choices that you can; we are also here to keep you on the straight and narrow path toward the Light and toward the overcoming of all the corruption and all the greed and all the angst that has run afoul in your lands. There is much corruption.
Just be at peace, we can share that many are watchful and many are seeking the truth and they do not shout from the roof tops in any way; they are at work uncovering and doing their own due diligence. Just be assured that your efforts and your consciousness help to make all of this a lesser need, moving much quicker toward resolution.
You have all ridden this horse this far so what do you gain by throwing everything away and giving up? Do Not Do That !!!!
We are here to shore up your faith and to give you the very best outcome that is possible. We know that it all looks whimsical and unavoidable foot dragging, angst. Just so, there are changes and much happening that will come to light in due time.
Make sure that you find your way to stay attuned and in the flow; that is all you have to do; stay in the flow, be watchful and keep listening.. Make the time to find resources and due the diligence work that keeps you informed on the changes….
Those watchful minds and hearts are not giving up; No One dares to leave the arena for the changes are afoot and the makers of many acts are going to be facing their own squad of truth tellers and detective-like behavior.
We are all at the end times but not the end times of the planet but the end times of all the corruption that has happened; everything comes to an end and the criminal actions have been seen for what they are; the makers of many convoluted deals are being arraigned and they are being made to cough up their hidden sentiments.
Just rest assured again that all is not lost and the cracks in the facade are making themselves known.
You Are Almost There…..
Love and Kisses,