Many of you will be feeling the effects of frequent downloads, along with the constant streams of “new’ light, and at this time they are showing clear presence and effects especially on your emotional and mental body.
Feeling befuddled, and distracted as if your mind is not working properly. Confused if you think too hard and as if you are here, but not in contact as you were before.
You get easily confused and go blank if you are required to put much concentrated effort into thinking. Automatic thinking is OK but focused analysis actually hurts the head.
However, all the daily demands can still be handled as long as you allow thought to arise rather than contrive it. Otherwise you ‘loose” it and frustration and or anger arise almost spontaneously.
There are also final great gasps of desperation, clinging and inner stubbornness of refusal to let go of 3D coming from your mental mind to have control. It will “do your head in” and play your emotions to the max.
Yet underneath there is still a sense that all is well and in fact IT IS.
You are learning how to Know in new ways and you are experiencing the proper place “little” mind plays in the scheme of things, the blueprint of the expanded YOU.
One of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is to give yourself at least 20 minute a day (much more if you will it), where you just sit and do nothing, and have absolutely No mind agenda.
To allow the total unfolding of everything ‘out there” to be as it is and you to just sit in your peace and enjoy the expansion of being with absolutely no agenda.
Shine On
I So Love You