From 2013, the Divine Mother walks us through the process of creating Nova Earth.
“Universal Mother Mary on the Law of Change – Part 1/2,” September 6, 2013, through Linda Dillon, at
Divine Mother: Change is … sequenced and sequential. Now what does this mean? Certain things, physical as well as esoteric or spiritual, have need to be put in place first before other things can be put in place. Use the example of building a house. You do not put on the roof first. No, first you build the foundation.
You build the foundation [of Nova Earth] in your communities. You do it by having good neighbors and by sharing with like-minded people. They do not need to be aware of the fullness of what is happening. What they need to be aware of is your love, that you think that they are fabulous.
And they will live up to that. They will change towards the vision you are holding. Why do they do so? Because what you are saying is “I know what you are. You are a child of creation, of the Mother, and you may do things [in which] you are acting out because of fear or lack or limitation or simply because you have engaged the darkness of your own being. But I know what you are capable of. I know the truth of you.”
So you are building that foundation. Not only within yourself, but within your community, within your neighbors, within your family. And you hold that vision. You don’t just hold it as something that is amorphous and untouchable, unreachable. You work together to manifest what is joyful and pleasurable, what feels solid and dependable and buildable.
And from there, you sequence. Well if we have begun to say hello to each other and acknowledge each other, then perhaps the next point in that sequence is actually trusting each other enough to have a conversation or perhaps to do something together. You build. That is what you are doing.
You don’t simply say to your star brothers and sisters, well, bring down Nova Earth. Gaia is not prepared to simply have something laid upon her. You are in co-creation with her and you are the builders of Nova Earth. You are the bringers of the new way. You are the bringers of the New You.
So in this way, you are acting in the physical, so do not say, well, change is imminent, because change is constant.
So what do I need to do? Do I need to build up my storage facility of canned goods? Do I need to have money hidden away? Do I need to have reserves of gas? That is not building community. That is putting your head in the sand and saying, “I will take care of me and my own. I will not be taken care of by the Mother so I’d better look out.” And that, dear heart, is not acceptable.