I’ve asked Amanda Lamond, whom you may remember from The Power of Love and Truth, (1) to share with us the next part of her journey.
She recently (Jan. 14) received instructions from the Council of Light, whom she channels, that it’s time to launch the Ministry of Eternal Light.
The Ministry is for all those struggling with a specific aspect of Ascension, which is how people find balance between what she calls “awakening horizontally (to the history of the enslavement of our planet) with awakening vertically – our growing realization of our status as Divine Multidimensional Beings of Light.”
Amanda says she’ll continue her work with Awakening Lawyers, those here to create the next legal system based on Universal Law. But for now the lawyer work and Ministry work are separate projects because, she says, many awakening lawyers are not yet ready for the truths the Ministry is here to talk about!
This is the first channeling she wanted to share with us, she says, as she learns more about her new mission. Others will follow. Amanda lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
Saturday, 14 January 2023
Amanda: I am hearing you more clearly now, my dearest Council of Light and there are things I now MUST ask about! Please tell me more about the “ministry” I have been seeing in visions since 2018. As you know, it’s been a radical journey from lawyer to whatever I am now!
Council of Light: It is time to begin your ministry, the work you have prepared for over many lifetimes.
Amanda: Whoa! What does that look like? I have wondered so long?
Council of Light: You will begin to form a community of those that serve the Light. You will start to find each other now that the soul merger has taken place.
This needed to happen first. It creates a type of beacon effect if you like.
Yes, you are wondering about your golden aura! This started to increase while you were in Bali, after 21 and 22 December. Although the heart activations had begun before then, you felt them the strongest on those days.
Your body was being prepared for what was to come. This is why others sensitive to light and energy were suddenly remarking upon it. This will probably continue to happen as you do have a very special aura, dear one! You will start to feel all of this more, as you continue in your Ascension, letting go of the personality.
But we sense you fear this, so let us explain – it is NOT letting go of your quirks and particularities! We love the individual nature of personality and, as you are aware, humour is very important to us.
So don’t think you become “personality less” rather it’s that you soften the edges. You are not so rigid in “I am this type of person, I like that sort of thing” – it’s the opposite of being dogmatic about who you are if you like.
So you will not be triggered so frequently, for those old energies will have been cast off. As you have already been experiencing, you can’t recall the past as much as before. It is there, of course, always in the Akashic (well, of course then is now, is every moment…but let us not dwell on that for this moment lest we miss the central point of our communication!).
So you have no need to carry the past in the present anymore. You can call upon it when it is necessary, but it’s not informing how you show up in each moment.
This will be quite wondrous for you to experience! Think of it as a gift, a blessing! Where once you had to “strive” so hard to be present, now it will become your natural state. You simply won’t be pulled to the past anymore.
Also, you won’t be pulled to the future by worry – yes, you will spend time thinking about the future and having great visions and dreams, but up until this point, much of your time thinking about the future has been about fearful things or anxiety about different ways things might play out.
As your mastery over creation grows, you will not fear the outcome, you will stand firmly anchored in your I Am presence and let it take dominion over your affairs. All this will be easier now than it was before.
Amanda: What does my ministry look like?
Council of Light: You will start to find people wanting to be in your sphere. They will simply feel different in your presence. Your part will initially be learning to stay present. Not worry what you should be doing all the time, but being. Being in community with others.
You will naturally know what you need to talk about! It will flow. Do not worry about preparing a teaching, a message, just BE in the moment, and see what comes up.
Over time more and more will seek your counsel. You will find answers you didn’t know you had within you, and it will feel natural to simply start talking, knowing the words will come out of you. It wont feel any effort to “channel” it won’t be “now I am channelling” it will simply be a conversation like any other, except with a little more focus!
(1) The Power of Truth and Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/The-Power-of-Love-and-Truth.pdf
The Power of Love and Truth