by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, February 3, 2023,
As of 15:42 AM UTC, winds from our Sun are in normal ranges ~ traveling at about 346 km/s, and flaring is at the “C-Class” level (“C.1” and “C.3”).
However, NASA has reported that sunspots are more prolific than they have been in nine years.
Our Sun seems to be peppered daily with potential flare blasts.
Also, the surrounding planetary magnetic field, the magnetosphere, is continually being enveloped in dense proton, electron, etc. particle plasma coming in from both inside and outside of our solar system.
On some days, like today, most of the plasma is arriving into the far side of our planet.
This usually indicates proton density as it is allowed to enter the depleted magnetosphere. As has been mentioned before, the magnetosphere has about 20 percent less in its shielding capability, according to world scientists.
Thus, even though the general solar activity may be quieter at certain times, the protons from outside of our system can be challenging to both people and technology.
The more commonly-known phrase, Ascension Symptoms, which I refer to as Light Activation Experiences (“LAEs”), can still be occurring as plasma enters from the outside.
With the Full Moon’s arrival at its height on Sunday, February 5th, LAEs can be more prevalent, but not necessarily as our lunar orb creates emotional elevations.
Numerous suggestions have been given for calming troubled waters when individual, community, national, and global situations stir-up anxiety.
Many people are both depressed and anxious in these times ~ as well as experiencing aches and pains, stomach issues, sleep disturbances, and more.
During this Full Moon weekend (we have been in its portal for several days), gather the natural and spiritual modalities for grounding and balancing, because mid-winter and early spring may test the strength and faith of many people.
Along with all that has already been collected for your wellness apothecary, be sure to obtain Bach Flower Essences’ Gentian for depression, Aspen for anxiety, and Rescue Remedy for stress and anxiety. Use especially when anxiety and stress comes on suddenly, like in emergency situations, or prior to any potential anxiety-producing circumstance ~ such as a meeting, flying, taking a school or work-related test, driving a long distance, moving to a new location, starting a new job, retiring, etc.
Also obtain AMBER jewelry.
Please refer to the recent reminder article about the properties of AMBER.
Please make certain that foods are organic, and not grown with or sprayed with toxins. Drink plenty of spring water with lemon or lime. Enjoy snacks, but make sure that they are healthy ones.
For example, if you like chocolate, eat dark chocolate. It is a wonderful antioxidant, and it also contains the Master Antioxidant, Glutathione, which strengthens the immune system.
Please refer to an earlier article written on this as well. Another reminder ~ pronounce the Pranava (Cosmic Sound) of AUM daily many times.
It is calming, healing, and protective. Most people also have many other ways that they employ to achieve peace and relaxation and an enhanced immune system.
All of these will be required as this new year of 2023 moves along ~ especially after Pluto’s introduction into Tropical Aquarius between March 23rd and June 11th, but also before this period when it reaches its 29th anaretic critical karmic degree from February 11th to March 23rd.
I do not continually mention this to cause fear, but rather, to prepare people for the transformational global experiences that may arise, because history has shown that at such times, world conditions have been very challenging.
As an old wise statement says, “Better safe than sorry.”
Have a blessed weekend as we zoom along with our planet Earth/Gaia through the cosmos as our solar system is further lit with Light from beyond the beyond.
Envision the Light swirling down around you and tuning-up every atom, subatomic particle, cell, organ, gland, and muscle of your being.
Stay in that Light, because it is the vibrational frequency of Source.