Archangel Michael: You are wanting to describe what it feels like, what it looks like, how it operates to be free. (1)
Yes! That captures the heart of the matter.
I am wanting. I feel this internal pressure accompanied by a smile. I desire. I want.
“To describe.”
Yes, it comes out as wanting to put it in words, to describe something.
“What it feels like.”
Let’s face it. How we feel is what usually concerns us, is it not? It doesn’t matter if you squeal with delight at a coffee milkshake (like I did as a seven-year-old child) or at a new car or a proposal of marriage. It’s squealing with delight, with glee, that we enjoy.
It isn’t the evening breeze from our hotel room on Waikiki Beach that we treasure. It’s the feeling of release and delight we experience in that setting. But we could have drawn that feeling up from our very own hearts from our very own living rooms – and saved $5,000.
Remember June’s description of it?
“I turned around and looked into the room. The walls and ceiling were golden. This room was filled with every human being who was ready for and had moved up to the 6th dimension. And every single one of them was crying in happiness. They were overwhelmed by the pure, unconditional love flowing into them, which was in stark contrast to what is experienced in the 3rd.” (2) [My emphasis.]
This is not me; this is June speaking. I know the love that she’s speaking of and have been trying to find words for it for seven years. But now you see I’m not exaggerating.
Transformative love is pleasure taken to the nth degree and, in the face of it, we make life-changing decisions – to serve the Mother, for instance.
“To describe what it feels like, what it looks like, how it operates to be free.”
To be released by the tsunami of love from all worries, hopes, and fears. To be free of all binds and bonds. To go for the glee, not the gold.
THIS is the Great Reset.
If you’re in the experience of this love, as June testified to, well, brother, you’re there.
You are now on a superhighway that will eventually carry you, I suspect, all the way Home.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Mar. 25, 2014.
(2) “June Deborah Meek: Journey to the Higher Dimensions – 1/2,”