Imaginative representation of the heart as a portal.
June Meek says:
“And then from the 4th, I moved into the 5th and this is when I ‘forgot’ everything that happened in the 3rd. The memories were erased.” (1)
OK, stop the camera. How wonderful to have other people’s narratives or ethnographies to compare notes with.
What has June done? She says she’s moved from the 4th Dimension (the Astral Plane on the other side of life) into the 5th Dimension (or Mental Plane).
We call this Ascension. And what happened? “The memories were erased.” I cannot vouch for June’s experience being the same as mine but the erasure from memory of all worries and concerns, hopes and fears is common.
For me the tsunami of love that flows on the other side of the heart door or hridayam swept away all these negative thoughts and feelings the moment my heart opened. My memory of them, in an everyday sense, was erased.
OK, there’s two accounts of an element of life in the tsunami of love, never mind the dimension. It just gets more and better the higher you go, but love as love is not different. (2)
Love is love, in whatever universe you’re in. Love may be the only constant in creation; I don’t know.
However much you love right now, can you imagine that love being ten times stronger? Can you imagine that this stronger love you see is coming from you? Streaming up from the pinhole aperture of the heart, the heart door, called the hridayam?
Can you imagine that love 100 times stronger? My experience has been that the stronger it gets the higher up the dimensional ladder we go. (3)
We know almost nothing about the mechanics of the heart. Until science recognizes the unseen, we may only learn about it gradually and slowly.
(1) “June Deborah Meek: Journey to the Higher Dimensions – 1/2,”
(2) Love becomes bliss, ecstasy, joy, happiness, and other divine states. They are “different.” But love as love, love when it is simply love, is not different – at least in the higher realms I’ve experienced.
(3) And, yes, we call it by different names – love, bliss, ecstasy, exaltation.