Reader June Deborah Meek has a special gift and I’d better let her explain it:
“I don’t channel. Will not open myself up to that. And I don’t astral travel. Not interested in it. … [But] yes, I do a lot of traveling out in the universe. … A part of my mind ‘see’s’ and I don’t have a word to explain this.”
Notice what June says next:
“After I saw what I did and felt that pure, unconditional love we will experience every moment of every day? It was hard for me to come back down to where we are now.”
It’s music to my ears to have someone else validate the powerful impact of higher-dimensional love. I feel like jumping up and down and saying, “See! See! That’s what I was talking about!” I’m all of five years old again.
Notice too that June did not want to come back to the Third after experiencing that love. This may be why the Company of Heaven tones our experiences down, lest we not want to return.
I’ve had numerous, spontaneous visions that have sporadically occurred in my lifetime. But I have no control over them. And I don’t know when they will occur. But these visions are in full color, and I just observe what I’m being shown.
But in 2015, I experienced a new kind of vision. In this vision, I was an active participant. Thank goodness I was laying down when this one happened.
What I experienced is what it feels like to move from the 3rd dimension up into the 4th. The feeling, colors and light were brighter than in the 3rd. And then from the 4th, I moved into the 5th and this is when I “forgot” everything that happened in the 3rd. The memories were erased. Plus, the light and colors I saw were more vibrant and brighter.
Then I moved up from the 5th into the 6th dimension and was overwhelmed by the pure, unconditional love that I was feeling. Furthermore, the colors were even more vibrant and beautiful.
I found myself standing in a room with a large opening that didn’t have doors. Outside that opening were clouds. I was up in the clouds and so was this room. And off to the left, outside of the room, was a bed sitting on the clouds. And the first thought that came to mind was, “I can rest!” And I sensed that this had to be heaven. Moreover, the clouds were numerous pastel colors.
Then I turned around and looked into the room. The walls and ceiling were golden. This room was filled with every human being who was ready for and had moved up to the 6th dimension. And every single one of them was crying in happiness. They were overwhelmed by the pure, unconditional love flowing into them, which was in stark contrast to what is experienced in the 3rd.
Then I saw Jesus and Mary Magdalene walking through the large opening. In the past, I have seen and talked to Jesus on different occasions. But I had not seen Mary Magdalene before. She was wearing an ankle length, billowing gown and a shawl around her head and shoulders. And her hair was dark brown and very long. Mary Magdalene’s face is beautiful and serene. Furthermore, she oozed a quiet but commanding confidence based on pure unconditional love.
Without a doubt, they are equals but Jesus defers to Mary Magdalene! Then Jesus and Mary Magdalene held hands and started walking down the wide wooden stairs into the golden room.
This is when I became engulfed by the pure, unconditional love emanating from them and I began to cry. By this point, I was at the bottom of the stairs, watching them walk down. Then I turned and looked at the people in the room, and outstretched my right arm and hand in the direction of Mary Magdalene and stated, “And this is the woman they called a whore.”
Then I began sobbing because of the great deception that was placed onto her that people may still believe. Furthermore, the power of the pure, unconditional love emanating off of them enveloped us all. We were in the presence of two Master Souls.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Enlightened by Jesus,” December 20, 2010, at
June Deborah Meek