It’s with difficulty that I repress a generalized, pervasive impatience and irritation. Dismissing these as products of the ego/inner child/mind offers no mitigation. Sitting quietly for ten seconds to check in with heart and inner guidance works for the duration of the check-in.
After that, it’s right back to impatience and irritation. Wanting things to not be how they are. And wanting, instead, that which is not.
There has been quite a lot written about AI implants and the tampering done to humanity’s DNA by negative aliens intent on enslaving us and feeding off the “loosh” our fear and negativity produce. For example, in her most recent book, Living Free in 5D, Vidya Frazier notes that “The most powerful of these was an implant [the Archons] attached to the frontal lobes of the human brain on the etheric level [through the mechanism of splicing it into our DNA]. It is programmed to create fear, shame, guilt, self-judgment and self-doubt within a person…Contemplate all the long years and difficult work you’ve had to do in trying to heal yourself and awaken to who you really are as a spiritual being, and how you have so often been hindered and blocked. The shame and guilt, the self-doubt and dysfunction you’ve experienced and attempted to heal have been caused by something that is not even a part of who you naturally are.” (1)
There’s a great deal more to be said on that topic. At the moment I’m concerned with the annoying possibility—likelihood?—that the impatience and irritation that were infiltrating me earlier served no beneficial purpose. They weren’t flagging emotions that needed to be processed. They weren’t messages from my soul or higher guidance. The programming under which I’m still struggling put in a request for negative emotions, and my inner short-order cook leaped into action. Order up!
Since I subscribe to the notion that the reincarnational cycle was created, or at least hijacked, by negative forces, I feel confident in thinking I likely processed my due quota of irritability and impatience a thousand lifetimes ago. Recycling these emotions, paying one more iota of attention than I have to, is pointless. It would be like giving my last slice of bread to the jailer and hoping that this time, my magnanimity toward an enemy will purchase the key to escape.
The negative entities who’ve been repressing and enslaving humanity for eons purportedly can’t rise into the higher vibrational levels Gaia and humanity are approaching.
I am impatient for that time to come. I’m irritated that I still have to wait.
And I’m not going to make myself even one particle wrong for sloughing off those uncomfortable sensations the minute I can and distracting myself with something, anything, that feels light and bright and free.
(1) Vidya Frazier, Living Free in 5D: Embodying your Multidimensional Self, pp. 16-17 (VidyaFrazier.com)