by Nicky Hamid
The Lion Within is Awake while seeming out of it.
I have never been one to share my ups and downs nor dwell on them.
However I write this just to indicate that I am not immune to all the experiences we all are having to traverse as we walk our Ascension journey.
Physically I am exhausted. I am frequently experiencing a “vertigo” and often have to prop myself up with the wall or whatever is handy to prevent myself from falling.
My whole body is going through an aching cycle and from time to time a purging.
This has been gradually coming on for some days and now the most comfortable place is lying down and going into a semi sleep/meditation state feeling somewhat doped.
I am not wanting sympathy or healing, nor need “fixing”. I am just letting you know that whatever I think I know, I am HUman and go through ‘stuff” just like everyone else.
We are All Ascending, which mean Soul Being we Are coming further into embodiment. HUman has to adapt to the high frequency Light that is melding us into Spirit Being.
Love and Surrender are the prime options I choose.
Yes, I have thoughts of dying, and Yes ancient fear arises and passes.
But as I say to my body and mind – that I have put them through so much and now they must have their say so that they can be open to the Light and Love I have to Share and is why I am here in the first place.
I see constant parallels in the Collective playing out and my experiencing, and why not?
The Spiritual Community talks about us living in our own holographic reality but forgets that we are part of a Collective journey, in a totally Unified Universe Field.
As such, there is constant feedback from the Field of “THAT” (GOD/SOURCE) into our “personal” holographic reality.
How else could it be, WE are ONE.
We are here to make constant daily decisions about How we experience what we are experiencing.
So I let my body have its way and I treat myself with the Loving Kindness that I deserve.
So Precious Tribe. All is Well even when I feel like “Crap”.
It is another opportunity to Choose Love over Fear.
This is where we gain the Real Power of Self.
And I Smile within as i write this.
And now back to my doped state.
This too is passing.
I So Love Us All.
PS: Change is the name of the game and having Choice is the great Power we have been given.
Always look for an “open door” into LIGHT. It is forever Present for You.