I’m on holiday today.
I’d like to repost an article on a subject that fascinates me: “Activating a collective soul-capacity.” How to activate collective will. No, not through mind control. Through mind release. But more than that, heart release.
Just a musing. I don’t think the days of global voting are far off, with a secure Quantum Financial System voting mechanism.
“Activating a Collective Soul-Capacity,” July 31, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/07/31/activating-collective-soul-capacity/
What would it take for us to exercise our collective will? What does it mean to “recover collective will”?
Everything I say here is meant to be read in spiritual terms and not in empirical-materialist terms (only what we see, hear, feel, etc., is real). The empirical-materialist paradigm is too small to contain the scope of events that are happening right now.
It has no room for a God who is transcendent and still. It has no room for our star brothers and sisters. It has no room for unseen beings, etc.
And without these, the story cannot be told.
According to the sources I follow, the human race has been subjected to a process of dumbing down for a very long time. Since World War II alone, that process has escalated through chemtrails, flouride poisoning, toxic vaccines, nano-implants, EMF, subliminal messages, and many other intentional strategies to dumb the population down.
Add to that the various wars that have been foisted on the world by a global group that Eisenhower called “the military-industrial complex” and others call the Illuminati. Collectively we could conceivably be traumatized.
I don’t want to dwell on the past. I want to help shape the future. One of the things that has suffered over the centuries is our willingness to consider doing things collaboratively, collectively, as a global society.
In the process we lost our collective will. Use it or lose it and we lost it. How do we work that muscle? How do we develop it again?
In my view, what we need to do as lightworkers is begin to develop among ourselves, at greater and greater levels of inclusivity, this collective will. We need to exercise it, use it, study it, and promote it.
Our facility with and acceptance of it, I believe, will at some point win social acceptance and rapidly spread. The intensifying energies and our rising vibrations increase my confidence that that will happen. The only question would be when.
Let’s look at moments when collective will has emerged, if only for a brief time.
The moment the horror of 9/11 registered on each of us would be one of them; the horror of the Kennedy assassination, another. The Chilean miners, Hurricane Katrina, the Japanese tsunami, the Haitian earthquake were other times when the world stood together.
Everyone was joined in a common experience so moving and profound that it united us for a brief time.
It’s in unifying moments like those that peaceful, loving, and transformational revolutions can be born.
However, if we want to act on the common unity that’s forged in those moments, we can be disappointed. Those moments pass all too quickly and people go back to a level that can only be described as complacent. The passing of the Occupy and #MeToo movements are examples.
If one wants to make use of those brief moments for the highest good of all, one finds it difficult or impossible. It’s as if we’re given fifteen minutes a year on the electron microscope. It isn’t enough time to accomplish anything.
I think the planet’s controllers rely on this. “It’ll blow over. Just ride the storm out.” We’ve lost our will in public affairs. Individually and collectively.
What we don’t realize is that we don’t have to wait for a catastrophe before we exercise our common will.
Take the example of voting. Voting as the Earth – in fair referendums, mind you; not the corrupted version served up as democracy at the moment – would be an exercise of global, collective will.
By exercising our collective will, by developing it, using it, asserting it, we pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps to the level of a society that has recovered and activated that soul-capacity.
At a future date, people born into our society won’t have to struggle as we did. They’ll be in touch with their will as a feature of growing up in a society where individual will is given due respect and the expression of collective will is accepted as a given.
If you asked a person how they exercise their will, they might not be able to answer you any better than if you asked them how they ride a bike. You just get the knack of it.
Getting the first hundred monkeys together would be the task at hand. (1) That involves having many people who are in touch with and can exercise their will.
Then it involves organizing ourselves into councils, conferences, common efforts, and so on. Lots of work for lots of lightworkers.
(Concluded below.)
(1) For the hundredth-monkey effect to occur and the knowledge to spread to the tribe.
I actually don’t believe in the hundredth-monkey effect. I believe the Mother has described what actually happens:
“There are, guaranteed, many, a multitude, of beings upon the planet who, give or take a little, have been given the same inspiration.” (“An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/.)