The other day I sat in a meditative state for a bit. While I appreciate the mantras and affirmations I’ve come across over the years, they usually don’t feel quite organic for me and I didn’t really want to inner-chant any of them. Then, the thought sauntered in:
I am kindness.
That statement felt right. It felt true. It felt like a statement I wanted to embody.
I’ve tried many times to repetitiously recite Blossom Goodchild‘s “I AM the Light“ mantra. It feels beautiful…but empty somehow. Like a rote a lesson I’m regurgitating to a taskmaster teacher.
Somehow I don’t think that’s the spirit in which to use a mantra. I do understand that it might feel awkward or insincere when we begin using a mantra or affirmation. Perhaps in my slapdash fashion, I just haven’t repeated it enough.
But, “I am kindness…” That slotted right in to a waiting space in my heart.
This—this, I am. This I believe. This I enact. This I embody.
The high-level concepts of Light and Love and Truth and “I AM“ which comprise the I AM mantra of Blossom’s just don’t quite fit with me, like a pair of shoes that are a tad too big. I don’t dislike or disbelieve the mantra; it just feels too monks-in-the-temple, too master-Yogi, for the likes of me.
But kindness! I always go back to Matthew and Suzy Ward saying that God‘s command to us is, most simply, “Be kind.“ Kindness feels both human and divine, accessible from any and all realms, anytime, any way.
I also find reaching for kindness as a way of being to be profoundly comforting. It reminds me to view myself in the highest light. There’s nothing ambiguous about kindness. I know it when I feel it or experience it or express it.
Love, Light, Truth… I have no doubt that kindness is an aspect or facet of all those more lofty, noble-sounding concepts. So perhaps, in my roundabout way, I am sneaking in through the back door to the I AM the Light mantra. Perhaps its energy is present in my short and simple “I am kindness” statement.
“What we steadily, consciously, habitually think we are, that we tend to become.” ~ Ann Landers
I am kindness. I am kindness. I am kindness.