by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, July 25, 2022,
After the Common Era
Happy Day Out of Time, Planetary New Year, and “TYBI” (ancient Kemetic [Egyptian] New Year’s Day) as the star system, Sirius rises over the pyramids on the Giza Plateau signaling abundance in spiritual knowledge and in material development ~ a rich harvest of prosperity on all levels.
May this day and all days to come be blessed by Source for our planet and galaxy to experience Love, Peace, Joy, Perfect Health, and Higher Knowledge, as Light becomes brighter throughout the cosmos!
May all of creation ~ every human being, each bird, each insect, each animal, each type of plant life ~ thrive and be in harmony. May the Angelic realm ~ the Shining Ones ~ manifest in our realm, bringing the Unalterable Goodness Of The Infinite Presence to us.