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It’s not a liberal world order.
It’s not a neo-Nazi world order.
It’s not even a communist world order.
It’s an elitist world order.
It makes a difference.
To go hunting for liberals under the bed, so to speak, is to divert attention from what’s really happening.
It’s not liberals against conservatives. Not the free world against fascists and socialists. That’s what the elitists would like you to believe.
What we want – and what we’re working towards in steps – is a world where no one is against anyone. And divide-and-conquer is not the way to get there.
It was never intended to be. It’s an instrument of control and more fatal than a pandemic (witness the Tutsis, Rohingya, Uighers, etc.).
Perhaps a lightworker can fulfill a lightworker function here by publicly declaring that we know it’s possible to have a world that works for everyone. And we’re taking steps to get there.
A world that works for everyone is a higher-dimensional world. The love that flows in those settings is such that no idea of conflict would arise in the mind.
We’re in the midst of a consciousness shift, whose proportions we’ll be hearing more about in the months ahead. But I want to stay here with who’s trying to control us.
Until we get to a world that works, we need to be precise about what the situation is we face. I think it precise to say that it’s a global group of elitists who want to reduce the population to 500 million (see the now-defunct Georgia Guidestones) and control the world whose global rule we’re presently putting an end to.
They’ve conquered us through the ages by keeping us divided.
And it doesn’t matter who “wins.” They win. Oklahoma City and 9/11 were their handiwork and they achieved their object: to instill fear in the populace and whittle away civil rights.
Mass shootings, assassinations, planes suddenly falling from the sky (Germanwings), all is their handiwork, while a controlled press (including Wikipedia) print cover stories. (1)
The word “liberal” has lost all meaning, both to its practitioners and detractors. It just means “the other guys” on the everlasting divide which the elitists use to rule over us.
They will not stop. We need to (A) stop ourselves from buying their false narrative and (B) turn around and stop them as well.
Once we stop buying into the cabal’s own version of events, what’s the political alternative for the time between now and our achieving a world that works?
For me it’s clear. The only viable solutions are those that come from the heart and, by extension from the center, the middle, the place of balance.
Only there, in the eye of the storm, do the more refined senses operate. Or rather only there can they be heard.
Only there can we hope to still the passions that do so much damage and which the elitists work upon.
I’m a centrist, if one needs a label. I might as well bestow it on myself. I live by the center, for the center, and from the center – in other words, the heart.
I’m committed to love, truth, and peace. I don’t need allies. Although they’re nice, they’re not essential. I don’t need numbers. I don’t even need agreement. But I do need to adhere to love, truth, and peace. For the rest I rely on inner guidance.
That’s it. End of discussion. Anyone using a liberal/conservative, democracy/communism, free world/neo-Nazi metaphor past this point in time is buying into a divide-and-conquer scenario by a global group of elitists.
The answer: Just stop. Just stop.
And recover the center. From there, having taken a few deep breaths, take another look.
(1) See “Wikipedia has Full Coverage of Paris Massacre Less than Two Hours after the Event,”
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