Greetings and Salutations,
It is believed that this could be a super time and so many are now aware of the turbulence and the strain going on in Canada and elsewhere. We are also watching all of the scenarios that are playing forth and we think that all of this is good.
The more the better; the more people that make their unhappy stances known the easier for the group to believe in more than just their own intolerable solutions. Be the best analyzer that you know how to be; it will become very important to be sensitive to your own sense of how things are coming down.
There are those who wish to bring all of this to its knees and there are some who are gearing up to do that. None of that will happen the way they think it will. It could get really tattered before this is eased off of the front screen of everyone’s viewers. Just rest in the knowledge that being an open book and a good source for kindred speaking is essential.
There are those who are seeking to quash the entire freedom march of sorts. Take that inwardly and ask if you are withholding support or essential energetic adherence to the insistence that freedoms are essential and are important. I can assure you many are.
Do everything you can to fight the flood of authoritarianism that has overtaken the whole shooting match. Get thee behind me Satan is an oft-repeated phrase that speaks to the fear porn that keeps rising to the surface. Do not let fear erupt into spasms of any kind.
We can assure you that we wish we had better up-to-date input that would allow for the dispensation of funds. Yes, of course, we would; but no, that isn’t the case yet. These issues have to be ironed out and rethought and the essential reviews of legal means are now under scrutiny. Be clear that each week something else will happen to weigh into the ending more to the favor of all of you. There are many aspects to all of this and you will know more as it is exposed.
The real news is that a major player is about to walk out on the world stage and change the tide of some of these things. They had to allow for the butting of Canada’s citizens to show that these people were not just bluffing…
Watch and continue to pray.
Love and Kisses,
(1) “Poof” is J. A. Holmes, who gave us his “intel” regularly some years ago, before the Deep State offed him.
Now he communicates from the other side. He has a ringside seat. I put a lot of credence in his enhanced observations.
On Poof’s passing in 2013, Sanat Kumara eulogized him:
“Poof has been welcomed with great fanfare. Celebration. Now, this is not unusual, for this is the way in which this process is undergone. But as you well know, this has been a trusted and faithful communicator and servant, and one that has completed the mission — or at least, as it was perceived, let us put it that way.
“There are no immediate plans, for this one, as I have said to you before, or Michael has, he deserves a good rest. And besides which, he is quite confident that he can affect and do a great deal of work from what you think of as this side as well. It is amazing, in many ways, what can be accomplished when you do not have the confines of a mortal body. …
“Poof has literally been true to his name. He has gone up in smoke. And he has arrived home, at peace, in joy and love, and he will be in constant communication with his beloved wife.” (“Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.)