by Judith Kusel
I am just sharing from my heart and soul, and with great love, the depth of a soul stirring of what I have witnessed and shared:
Men and women standing together as one.
Hope on their faces.
Hope for a new and better tomorrow.
Reclaiming their soul.
The freedom to be.
Prepared to share what they can.
Supporting each other.
Coming together as one….
Yes, it stirs me, as a South African, because we have gone through so much, yet I have have always found love everywhere.
Every soul in truth just wishes to be loved for who and what they are.
Every soul wishes to have the freedom to be and live life in harmony and with love, to the best of their ability.
Every soul is free to make its own choices as all souls have free will and choice.
So yes, my soul is stirred.
Because indeed, we now have the opportunity to unite and stand together and to cocreate the New Golden Age in the New Earth, in unity and harmony, as one.
With love.
We all are one.
You are another me.
I AM another you.
And when we stand together we can and are creating miracles, in the here and now.
We are all free spirits and there is only love.
The enormity of this time will sink in more and more as 2022 makes its transformative powers felt on all levels of life.