I wish my direct line to Spirit didn’t seem to have so much static.
The exhausted human part of me wonders, why can’t I bring calmness, certainty, and quiet connection with Spirit into my world when I really need it?
Frankly, it feels as if Spirit deserts me, even if the fault must be with my (in)ability to hear rather than lack of clear communication from Spirit.
During many lengthy conversations with my Reiki teacher, Carolyn, she shared what she believes are optimal ways of reaching out to angels and other beings of light. Tools such as crystals, incense, oracle decks, and the like, can be very useful. But the most important thing is our attitude, how our hearts are sitting as we attempt to connect.
The advice is to approach Spirit with a calm mind and clear heart. This is apparently essential because those higher vibrational beings can’t meet us, if, for example, we are angry or fearful. Or at least, such was my understanding at the time of those discussions.
Over the years I’ve pondered that many times. I’ve done a lot of reading and communicating with other spiritual seekers since those early conversations with Carolyn in 2017. So my perception has altered.
I now believe that when I first heard those remarks, my interpretation was skewed for a couple of reasons. I was learning what felt like lifetimes of lessons in a very short time during Carolyn’s classes and workshops as well as our private sessions. Much of it entered my awareness at a slightly canted angle because it all felt new to me. (Not to mention, I didn’t initially believe half of what she was saying…but that’s another story.)
As far as contacting Sprit, my perception was that if we’re furious or terrified, those powerful emotions throw up a barrier to higher vibrational connection. Perhaps they can’t hear us over our blaring emotional static.
Which leads me to wonder: if I’m attacked on the street and call for angelic help, do they cup hands to ears and say, “Sorry, can’t quite hear you in that low vibration, wait till you’re calmer and we’ll see what we can do“?
Perhaps, to the Angels, we appear as wounded animals when we’re in such a state. Perhaps they must use caution and approach obliquely.
I have no way of knowing. I like to believe that angelic assistance is just a thought away, regardless of how tainted with fear or anger the signal might be. I just hope that when I need them most and I’m at my lowest, the angels will be there, regardless.
Faith is a funny thing. I could say I have faith that I have never lost contact with my angels, my guidance team. But I think it’s more that there’s no one to lose contact with. They are not “out there.“
The existence of that distant realm of high vibrational beings no longer seems questionable. Nor does it seem so distant as I once imagined. There’s an awareness of a circular connection, Spirit-me-Spirit-me, embedded so deeply within me that it cannot be rooted out by circumstance.
It can’t be killed by fear or even the flamethrower of anger.
I can have doubts and I can wonder and I can question. Given that there isn’t usually anything tangible to hang my spiritual hat on, I would have to be much more advanced in spiritual arcana to simply take it all on blind faith.
Nonetheless, no matter the doubts and uncertainties, when the you-know-what hits the fan, I find myself reaching instantly for Reiki, immediately calling out loud or mentally for angels, and jumping over onto that shining spiritual track.
I don’t see the switch box but it must be there, because it happens regularly, without fail. The silent words of Spirit speak to me, and somehow, I am hearing them.