Credit: starnewsonline.com
As a student of cross-cultural spirituality, I often face people with a fear of death.
I haven’t had that fear myself since an out-of-body experience in 1977. The fear of death evaporates when we see that we’re not our bodies, but something that exists independent of them.
Part of the fear of death is the fear of pain. It therefore is my pleasant task to report, based on my studies of the afterlife, that death is painless. (1)
I base that assertion upon passages such as these from the literature:
John Scott: They do not suffer, these people, in their passing. I think sometimes their friends suffer more, when they see the body writhing in apparent agony, while in reality the spirit is already tasting the first freedom from pain, or lies in a blessed insensibility. (2)
Julia Ames: With me the change [i.e., death] was perfectly painless. (3)
Gordon Burdick: I feel sure if people were to know that the actual moment of passing is not even noticeable, the fear of death that haunts so many people would vanish. (4)
Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson: The whole process of transition which is so much feared by the folk on earth is a natural, normal, and painless process. It is as natural and painless as removing your outer garment when you have no further use for it. (5)
The case that tests these assertions is a fatal accident. Surely, that would be painful.
Actually we find that people heading for a fatal accident are removed from their bodies prior to impact.
To fix that picture in our minds, here’s an extended account of a car accident. It features an early rescue. The transitioned Mike Swain tells us:
“I see a black car coming towards us. As it approaches us, I see this other car coming behind it. I can see this other car clearly, because it is in the middle of the road, trying to pass the black car.”
Nina [Merrington, the medium channeling Mike Swain] paused a moment, and then said: “The sun is glaring on the windscreen of the black car, and reflecting back into my eyes. I can see nothing but a bright silver radiance. It is blinding me.
“All of a sudden, the radiance changes from silver to gold. I am being lifted up in the air, out through the top of the car. I grab little Heather’s hand. She too is being lifted up out of the car.
“We have been lifted thirty feet above the Mini. And in one horrifying second, I see the little Mini and this large car collide head-on. There is a noise like the snapping of steel banjo strings. The little Mini bounces right off the highway, right over into the gravel verge. It is finally brought to a halt in a cloud of dust when it hits a giant anthill….”
Nina stopped, obviously too agitated to continue.
What impressed her listeners was the fact that [their son] Mike [who is speaking through Nina] had never seen the other vehicle until after the silver light had changed to gold. He and Heather had felt no sense of impact.
They had suffered no pain. Just a gentle ascent into the air. “We feel vaguely sorry that this thing should have happened to them. And we both fully understand that we are, now, so far as mortals are concerned, dead.
“We are also both aware that a lot of people have begun to gather round us. They are dressed in glorious colors. We recognize familiar faces, the faces of friends who passed beyond the earth before us. We are still hand in hand; now, guided by the one who first lifted us into the air, the two of us sweep towards the skies. We drift above the two round hills known as the Breasts of Sheba.”
In heartfelt joy, the [parents] listened, transported by the fact that the passing had involved neither fear … nor suffering. (6)
Very convincing for me and on a subject of great importance to many people.
So even in our test case – a fatal accident – we see that death is painless thanks to the intervention of lightworkers (perhaps our guides) on the other side.
Given all this, you can imagine my interest when, in putting together a compilation of the Divine Mother’s messages, I came across this passage from her.
On a tragic school shooting in 2012, the Divine Mother said:
“Each of these angels – human, child, adult – have been welcomed into my arms prior to them being injured in any form.” (7)
“Prior to them being injured in any form.” That seems to indicate a merciful rescue and a painless passing, does it not?
Sounds like we can relax our concerns about the assumed painfulness of death.
Of course our fears also have a built-in “best before” date. After Ascension, reincarnation no longer occurs and we’ll forget what it was that we were afraid of.
Ascension is liberation, moksha, mukti. Liberation from what? Liberation from birth and death.
(1) See New Maps of Heaven at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=New_Maps_of_Heaven for the results of that research.
(2) John Scott in Paul Beard, Living On. How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death. New York: Continuum, 1981, 56. The afterlife commentators can be found in New Maps of Heaven, here: http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=New_Maps_of_Heaven.
(3) Julia [Julia T. Ames] through W.T. Stead, medium, After Death. A Personal Narrative. New York: George H. Doran, n.d.; c. 1914, 64.
(4) Gordon Burdick in Grace Rosher, medium. The Travellers’ Return. London: Psychic Press, 1968. , 60.
(5) Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Here and Hereafter. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1968 (dictated in 1957), 127.
(6) Jasper Swain listening to his transitioned son, Mike, speak through a medium, in Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 21-2.
(7) “Divine Mother: You are in the Process of Ascension,” December 15, 2012 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/12/divine-mother-you-are-in-the-process-of-ascension/.