Miracles are happening.
And how!
It is a matter of being open to inner guidance, and truly listening and seeing and hearing with the INNER eyes, and the inner knowing and gut feeling right now, and not with the outer.
Tune into your own higher Soul Self, and live the truth of who and what you are in truth. Being true yourself and indeed your innermost soul and the Divinity which lives within you, is of the utmost importance now.
Let the Old “Beast” rant and rave – his time has come to an end. His rule by fear is ending so fast that he does not know how to stem the tide anymore.
He is now throwing all his toys out of the cot in desperation. Yet, he is disintegrating rapidly.
Thank him, for in so doing and acting, the vast awakening of souls is happening at a vast and unprecedented scale.
All is serving.
All in truth is on track.
The Divine Masterplan is coming into the fullness of form and existence and indeed already here and unfolding within us and around us.
Remember the truth of your soul and remember the truth of who and what you in truth are! Divine!
Get on with your own soul purpose and mission and focus on it, and indeed you will be lifted beyond the beyond and into the New Life and New Existence in perfect Divine Timing with ease and joy!
More than this, Love Eternal and Infinite and Ever Present!
Judith Kusel