As we are now co-creating the New Golden Age in the New Earth and the higher 5th to 7th dimensional state, we need to guard ourselves from slipping back into the 3rd.
Here is what to do: As soon as you feel yourself being pulled back in, immediately get back into your higher heart and soul, and center yourself.
Get back into the truth of who and what you are in truth. Back into balance and equilibrium.
Whatever comes up, immediately work on it, and let it go. Alchemize it into loving grace, forgiveness and let go. Let it disintegrate with the rest of the old 3D. And do so with love and compassion.
You have now gained the higher perspective from the higher Mastery of the True Higher Soul Self, the eternal and infinite you.
When you are in this higher state you will not be pulled in, nor influenced anymore, for the lower vibration, cannot operate in the higher vibrational frequency fields.
The lower disintegrates.
As you learn more and more to stand in your soul mastery, with unconditional love, firmly centered and rooted in the truth of who and what you are, embracing Divinity within, the freer you become.
And more you will find inner peace and joy and love, as you are deeply inspired to create the New Golden Age, harmony and unity with great love.
Judith Kusel