It is quite interesting how the base and sacral chakra and the clearing of these, are making themselves known.
The Sacral Chakra not only deals with our most intimate relationships, as I deeply address in my Goddess Energy Course, but our relationships with our families, into which we were born, as well the greater human family, in conjunction with the Navel Chakra.
We need to truly clear the chakras as the orange of the 3rd dimensional chakra, changes into a beautiful soft pink, in the 5th and 7th dimensional state, with a touch of pure White. It is when the higher dimensional sacral chakra is fully activated, that we can finally attract true love into our lives, and indeed the highest type of Sacred Union.
More then this, we then energetically attract our true soul family, and indeed our relationship with the greater human family now move into harmony and unity as well.
I am reminding you of this, for indeed, when the sacral chakra is clogged up, we our relationships will indeed reflect the turbulance of this transitional time.
Negative cords, hooks and ties are present in this area, which indeed act like tubes and thus those attached to these, can manipulate and pull energies and indeed drain us. Especially where unforgiveness, shame, blame and guilt still lurk, as well as all contracts, like marriage contracts, vows, dowry agreements, etc. for these will indeed be applicable and valid lifetime after lifetimes, until they are finally released.
I do encourage you to start doing this clearing work now, for indeed, you will find that suddenly persons, or souls pop up, in your conscious awareness, you did had forgotten about, or indeed, had intimate relationships with in past lives, which not need to be released, the cords, and ties, and hooks finally severed, so that you can ascend into the New and Higher Dimensional state.
So, if old family skeletons suddenly start rattling, and old family things, and relationship things, and indeeed loving relationshps get rocky, get going on these chakras.
We are in an intense clearing and cleansing phase, where all the stuff needs to be churned up, and forgiven, released for all eternity, so that we are healed on all levels, and free ourselves and all concerned.
It is only when we are truly free, that we can start anew, and in the higher New Embody now attract the true love we truly are all deserving of, and indeed probably sought all our lives, in one form or another!
It is certainly most rewarding to do the inner work, which needs to be done, for one just gets lighter and brighter and indeed inner balance, harmony and unconditional love, reigns from deep within.
Judith Kusel