We Humans are revealing ourselves to be amazingly resilient and adaptable. Our intuition guides us to find ways to not only survive under challenging circumstances, but to do it with our hearts aware of the connection we have to one another. It’s evolution at its finest in action and by Divine Design.
By now, we’re truly beginning to understand that it isn’t what’s put before us that matters so much as what we choose to do with it. I’m reminded of all those years ago when SaLuSa, through Mike Quinsey, advised us to get on with doing our personal work. The message was giving us a heads-up that the time was rapidly approaching (by Galactic perspective) in which our level of conscious awarenessness at that moment would be key to determining what our next experiences would be.
It seems that we’ve nearly arrived at that time.
In other words, in every decision we make, and even in our thoughts and intentions, we’re signaling to the Universe what we’re ready for. We’re becoming more sensitive and aware of the electro-magnetic soup that we live in as the world around us erupts in multiple layers of nearly inconceivable chaos.
The only way through it is to realize the life on this planet as one collective, including those who don’t yet perceive the big picture. As One organism, we’re actually bringing about the healing of the Earth Collective. It’s clear now that together, we actually are capable of creating miracles.
With our appeals for partnership, we’re inviting reciprocity for what we freely give. It literally rests in your hands that the Golden Age of Gaia continue to be a unifying presence, providing Light intel to uplift and empower the Human Collective and bring us All through Ascension. Not only those who’ve embraced Human sovereignty and done their personal work, but for individuals who aren’t yet ready to.
Ascension is a frequency thing, and bringing Love into every decision we face throughout the day, in effect, generates a Golden Ticket for every Lover and subsequently, for the whole of Humanity to move beyond the grasp of the lower frequencies. Not knowing how it will all unfold can feel a bit like limbo, and this is where trust in Divine Design becomes critical.
This is what we’re here for right now. Roles may be shifting soon, and we’re all looking for a major change of scenery for the whole in short order. For now though, we still need the help of our loving community to keep this blog going as a foundational hub of unity, peace and assurance for our future.
And P.S. ~ Our merchandise store is currently in production, and we ought to be up and running with that before another month passes.
Many thanks and blessings to our loyal monthly subscribers for providing the beautiful foundation from which we’re able to create this blog, and we look to our one-time donors to complete the picture.
Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the Hope Chest.
There are four ways to donate to help the Golden Age of Gaia ~
1. Both one-time and regular monthly subscriptions through a PayPal account
2. One-time donations using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
3. Regular monthly subscriptions using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
4. Donations by check or money order made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731
Here‘s how to donate:
Please click https://hopeche.st/donate/, where you’ll have choice as to how often you wish to donate and for what amount. You also will be able to choose to use either PayPal or a non PayPal-affiliated credit/debit card.
If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: https://hopeche.st/contact/