Action4Canada’s Tanya Gaw
I attended an Action4Canada “Boots on the Ground” Zoom meeting of (I think) several hundred people yesterday. Very interesting. Very, very interesting.
Action4Canada is creating legal pushback against masks and vaccines. And listening to the speaker, Tanya Gaw, I can see that rousing people to the danger and pushing back – with love – is exactly what’s needed.
Tanya was mature, grounded, and present. I was impressed. She had a terrific command of her material.
Our nations are like sleepwalkers that we need to rouse. We need them to join their voices with ours in opposing a global plan to decimate the population.
The political is not an arena that I see myself as playing any role in. I’m an envisioner and not at all an organizer or administrator. But I’m glad to see the quality of other people leading it.
Putting the Divine Plan to one side for a moment, which of course we can’t do, but … if the outcome were ever in doubt, then I suggest we take heart from pre-war Britain’s experience.
The British were slow to change their vote from “we need to keep the peace” to “we need to prepare for possible war.”
Even when war was declared, they restricted themselves to dropping leaflets over Germany, while the Nazis blitzkrieg poured over Poland and France.
However once aroused they had a cohesiveness and collective will that far surpassed in strength anything the Nazis could bring against them.
With the convenient pandemic and toxic, depopulating “vaccine,” the deep state has surpassed the Nazis for scope of annihilation plans. To reduce the population from 7.8 billion to 500 million goes far beyond the Nazis. In my opinion, only the most debased mind could consider it, let alone create a globally-coordinated plan to bring it about.
We need to change our vote from support of our corrupted institutions to support for a through cleansing of them – not aimed at people, but aimed at behavior. Corruption is no longer allowed. There’s a new marshall in town.
No, we don’t execute our adversaries but we do protect ourselves from evil-doers.
Here we are, on the one hand, ascending and, on the other hand, racing to the bottom. It’s like passing people on the down escalator when we’re on the other one, going up.
We know how the movie ends. But, evidently, there are rivers to ford and mountains to cross before we get there.
My hat is off to the people doing the heavy lifting in opposing the deep state in all its manifestations.
I attach Action4Canada’s Notice of Liability, which can be served on anyone in Canada – principal, police officer, restaurant owner – warning them that they will be held personally responsible for any damages incurred because they’ve violated our human rights by asking for privileged medical information and breaching our security of the person and right to choose what enters our bodies. (I hope I got it right.)
Download here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Notice-of-Liability-Employees-final-web-version-3.pdf