Blessing the feelings not of love dissolves them so we BALANCE
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment was explained to us by the Buddha through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, September 2013, on Heavenly Blessings radio show.
The Buddha in his teachings shared the importance of being the observer, consciously, mindfully, breathing into and blessing everything, including our sorrow, shame and fears.
Lately, there are lots of outer reflections of our inner states of discomfort on planet — from daily life restrictions caused by the pandemic, homelessness, addiction and food insecurity to the Taliban in Afghanistan, to name a few.
Facing into the outer reflections, images in our mind’s eye, while sitting or lying down, helps us to feel, name and dissolve the associated old ways of being.
Fearlessly looking at what bothers us,
a natural detachment, non-judgement
of the uncomfortable feelings, occurs.
Sorrow, shame and fears dissolve.
And asking the old feelings how they are connected to the past, helps us get to the root of the matter, so we can bless everyone – all relations, especially early caregivers.
The Buddha says as we bless each situation, each person with the Love of our hearts, we do not attach to either their vision or ours, not agreeing or disagreeing, but unconditionally supporting them – an important understanding for us as we tend to get caught in the drama of our own lives, and others, as well.
Blessing the past with forgiveness and compassion, coming to gratitude for the wisdom gained, learning what hasn’t worked. . . we naturally balance in the Love, boundaries firmly in place.
Universal Law teaches us balance.
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment, emphasizes the importance of attaching to being the observer, fearlessly and naturally detaching from everything not of love, attaching to Divine Ways of Being — creations of Love — honouring self/others, blessing All in the constant flow of our hearts.

Sending Love Mondays
5pm PST / 8pm EST
Universal Law Wednesdays
5pm PST / 8pm EST
(see GAoG on the day for Zoom links)