In this message from 2012, Matthew Ward explains the physics of why love is the only way to reduce the turmoil in the world. It’s the first time I’ve heard the explanation in so clear a manner.
“Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.”
Matthew’s Message, Oct. 21, 2012, at
Perhaps especially among lightworkers, who know that Earth’s exit from third density is imminent, there is concern because turmoil isn’t abating, and in some instances, seems to be increasing. We want to set your minds at ease about this by explaining why the world situation is what it is…
Energy is neutral, but streams of energy can be directed by their attachments of thought forms. The forms are actual substances, albeit invisible to your vision, and they are created by every thought, feeling and action of every life in existence. Thus the attachments are either positive or negative in nature, and this universe is teeming with both.
The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected. Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components – fear, warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and random violence – you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.
Not only are those negative streamer attachments being generated there, they are emanating from there. Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that reinforcement.
Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.
And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want ended!
The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most powerful force in the cosmos. Love – the very same energy as light, only expressed differently – is what light beings throughout this universe have been beaming with intensity to Earth for more than seven decades. The initial infusion of light saved her life and gave her the strength she needed to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension course.
With that in-pouring of light, Earth had more to offer to all of her residents, the microcosms of her Being, and her peoples who opened their hearts and minds received it and generated their own light, their very life force, more abundantly. We have rejoiced with and for each of them! Not only have their lives been uplifted in spiritual and conscious enlightenment, but their response created positive energy streamer attachments that further benefited Earth and her other receptive souls.
Because we love every soul in your world, it is sad for us that some still are refusing the light that would replace their fear and anguish with healing and joyousness. As long as the dark ones were in control of your world, they felt powerful. When their control started eroding some years back, fear set in.
By now, the Illuminati are desperate as their last few tattered remnants of influence – the media and segments of military forces and the economy – are disappearing. Tyrannical rulers also are running scared because their counterparts in some other countries have been overthrown by the citizenry. And many millions are living in fear because of those dark ones’ activities.
Fear is a magnified emotion that sends forth the most potent negativity. Although that which is generated on Earth has effects universally, as we said, it most profoundly affects all life on the planet. Think how often we have stressed the importance of sending light to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have become captive of darkness.
Creator’s law of free will gives them the right to deny themselves light, but they cannot stop its cosmic forcefulness. Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity. Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.
This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light from our universal family combined with your own is far more powerful than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that Earth is prudently handling that is far fewer deaths and much less property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode of negativity release, than formerly.