The link is now fixed. Thanks, Len.
Dr. Salla looks at the release of the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena by the Director National Intelligence and calls the assertion that the United States does not have anything like them a “bald-faced lie.”
But, as we see today in Adamu calling our space vehicles “party favors and tin toys,” terrestrial powers appear not to have anything rivaling the galactic vehicles.
He discusses the possibility of an alien false flag event, formerly kmown as Project Bluebeam.
Repeat posting of The Cosmic Hoax
Steven Greer discusses the presumptive agenda behind much of the Disclosure happening now. Deceit, disinformation, limited hangouts, cover-ups, etc., with the cooperation of the mainstream media.
Steven gives a blow-by-blow description of the military/industrial plan to weaponize Disclosure and push an alien-threat scenario.
Hit graphic to watch video
Meanwhile James Gilliland criticizes Steven Greer: “ECETI’S James Gilliland Unveils Ufologist Dr. Steven Greer’s Agenda,” July 5, 2021, at