I was asked the other day to state as simply as possible what “our side” wanted.
Leaving “sides” aside, I can make my answer very simple.
Freedom on every level.
Freedom from. Freedom to.
In the years ahead, we’ll encounter two ways that problems disappear and we are free from them. One is to fix them. The other is to ascend to a higher dimension and watch them disappear.
The “exotic” (1) form of love that exists on the higher planes completely satisfies. No “problems” arise. None could exist, as SaLuSa tells us:
“ Our matter vibrates at a much higher speed, and is not as heavy as yours. At our levels of existence the lower vibrations cannot exist, so we are not subject to the problems that beset you.” (2)
Fixing problems is something we do on this lower dimension of our everyday consciousness, where such things as hunger, thirst, and fatigue exist.
They cause problems for us that we can only solve cooperatively and so we’re obliged on this level to work together. I believe that’s one of the purposes of Third-Dimensional existence: To learn to live together and cooperate for the good and the needs of the whole.
Enter the dragon in the form of a belief system that says we’re separate selves struggling to survive amid seeming scarcity. (3) Now we’re no longer working together but competing for resources deemed to be scarce. Now struggle begins culminating in wars – climaxing in mid-Twentieth-Century wars of extermination. (4)
The grand finale was to be a pandemic and toxic vaccine which would wipe out all but 500 million of us, but, I hope, that performance is spluttering to an early demise.
Fraudulent elections, pandemics, stay tuned for an “alien invasion.” (5) We’re watching the playing out of a scenario that Carol Rosen watched from her vantage point at Fairchild Industries in the mid-Seventies – with some changes and additions.
Everything that comes with the deep state’s influence – weather warfare, pandemics, thrown elections, mass shootings, sex trafficking, illegal drugs, world wars, slave colonies on other planets and moons – will ultimately go.
None of it, as Matthew Ward says, can exist on the higher dimensions:
“Fear … arises about situations you don’t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’s high vibrations.” (6)
However until all these beneficial changes arrive, such measures as NESARA/GESARA and the Reval, (7) as well as the redistribution of sequestered Illuminati wealth, will see a flowering of services to everyone on the planet, if lightworkers have anything to say about it.
Freedom to? Oh my. This whole site is about that. The purpose of life is to realize who we really are. And who we really are is God. When one of us realizes that, God meets God. For that meeting was all of life created. (8)
Freedom to? Realize who we really are. Through any sincere means we choose. (9) Restraint, except when our acts harm another, is about to be taken off and reach extended. We have an opportunity now to pursue what we’ve always wanted to pursue.
And the farther along the journey we go, the better we feel. There are no losers in spiritual evolution.
Very simply, we lightworkers are about freeing the planet from exploitation and oppression and placing it on the road to the full achievement of the promise of being human. That’s it in a nutshell.
(1) “Eternal life comes through the Supreme Creator and is accompanied by the most exotic form of love that you cannot imagine. Love is the energy of all energies.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 4, 2019, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm. )
(2) SaLuSa of Sirius, October 20, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) “Basic Third-Dimensional Illusion: Separate Selves Struggling for Survival amid Seeming Scarcity,” May 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/17/basic-third-dimensional-illusion-separate-selves-struggling-for-survival-amid-seeming-scarcity-2/
(4) The Nazis saw themselves as involved in a war of extermination against Bolsheviks, untermenschen, and Jews.
(5) On Project Bluebeam, see “Beyond Project Bluebeam,” November 26, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/11/26/beyond-project-bluebeam/.
(6) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 1, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(7) See “Bibliography on NESARA/GESARA and the Reval,”
(9) “Those who are adamant in their rigid beliefs [say] that there is only one way to experience divinity – which is absurd – I create millions of pathways.” (Divine Mother [Universal Mother Mary], Saturday Conference Call, “Allow Yourself to Float on My Love, May 21, 2017, through Linda Dillon, at http://counciloflove.com/2017/05/allow-yourself-to-float-on-my-love/.)
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