I couldn’t bring myself to say it for the longest time but the sight of the Self that I had at Xenia Resort Sept. 18, 2018 was the way the Company of Heaven rescued me from unbelievable anguish after having viewed Frazzledrip on The Truth Revealed.
And not only Frazzledip but some still photographs I hope I never in my long, long life have to ever see again. People could go mad seeing them.
And you can’t unsee them. I see them again and again in memory and each time I dissolve in tears. That anyone should be capable of such things … and that they should be our leaders.
It was this experience which induced me to write on “honest witnesses to the truth.” I watched Frazzledrip and reported on my reaction so that you don’t have to watch it. Only I’m not going to report on it any more than this. There will be experts who will handle a subject like that so as not to needlessly traumatize others.
And that film is just one instance of what’s been going on behind the scenes with our world leadership. I remember watching Boystown about Washington pedophilia what seems like two or three decades ago. It was saying exactly what is being said now.
But nobody listened or took it seriously. If we did, we thought the FBI would take care of it. The pot was not boiling and no one wanted to be the one to strike the match.
I did not wake up to all the allegations I was being shown about Justin Trudeau. In the Nineties I could not budge anyone to acknowledge the dangers of uncontrolled automation. No one wanted to listen. We all have varying degrees of asleepness and awakeness,.
How many other things did we not take seriously, which are now proving to be true? And what lies ahead? Pass the redpills please.