The master of all disguises, hidden in the hall of mirrors, finally welcomes me home.
And after jubilant celebration and rest, I look back on the road just taken.
I see at every level that he’s had to adopt an additional disguise (or perhaps an additional layer of pretense) to interest me, to keep me following his lead. I was always more interested in exploring further.
The disguises now seem harsh, but as I retrace my steps, now seeing his dilemma, I see the impact of density on him and me.
From the lowest point in Third Dimensionality, we get progressively lighter as we move forward. The higher we go, the more loving are the disguises, until I burst through a bubble and there’s only the master himself, welcoming me home.
At last we’re both out of disguise. I feel his love. He feels my bliss….
And then I wake up.