Still on the hunt for the same quote from the Divine Mother on her infinite nature, I came across this fascinating discussion with her of understanding what motivates people who hate.
I found it! “My essence … is far beyond what you can imagine.” (1) But look at the wonderful discussions turned up in the search! (2)
“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at
Steve Beckow: You’ve said that love is everything there is, yet there seems to be in the whole scheme of things, something that love is not; for instance, hatred or anger, or killing somebody, or blowing up a nuclear bomb and destroying people. We say these are not of love, and in fact Archangel Michael will say over and over again “This is not of love.”
What does it mean in a world where everything is love that there could be something that isn’t of love?
Divine Mother: In the blowing up of a bomb, in racial, gender, or national hatred, in hatred of your child, hatred of your next-door neighbor, in cruelty, in anger, and fear – what are these except desperate deviations?
Now, I have prefaced what I have said today, because you are spiritually mature enough to understand or at least begin to understand what I am saying. There are many upon your planet [who hate, etc.?], and yes, is it an expression of love? Well, the answer would be no. But let us qualify what I say – no, not to juggle, but literally to clarify.
There is not an aberrant action that is not a desperate gesture to get back to the love.
Now, this is going to be very hard for many of you to understand. There have been many instances in your history, which is lengthy, of even your universe, where such aberrations have taken place. Is it an aberration on the free will and the surrender? Yes. But when one acts in such a way, it is a pathetic, desperate plea for love.
Let us dig deeper. When one comes from a place of hatred – and let us take some of the worst examples – so when one is in a place of hatred, of cruelty, of control, and power as in the use of force, and one is exhibiting and exercising that hatred, that cruelty – the question that you as lightworkers, as love holders, as spiritually cognizant and aware ascended beings is, why? What could possibly be the reason, the rationale?
It is that individual’s sight, and it appears that it is a sight of struggle and outright war, to gain power and control. But why, why, why the urge for this power and control and the exercise of brutality?
Now, not all these people have been brutalized. Not all these people have experienced hatred, so why? Because they have forgotten, or they are not experiencing any love within them. They know it’s there and they are a child acting out desperately, in the most desperate of ways. And that is the only reason.
You may have forgotten why containment was introduced in the first place and we have been very, very mild on containment in the last couple of years, other than my blue topaz box. But let us suggest to you, they are seeking the love.
Are they going about it in the wrong way? Well, there is no question about that. But what are they really doing? They are seeking acknowledgement of their value, of their essence, of the fact that they are worthy, that they are loved and lovable, and that somehow in their aberration they will prove themselves, not only to themselves – because that in fact is quite minor – worthy of the love, but they are going about it completely wrong. They are trying to bring up that essence, that essence of love that is their core.
(1) “Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at
(2) I searched the First Contact Database, in the file “Personnae – Divine Mother.” I encourage others to begin using this database and the others that cluster around it. It’s a rich and undiscovered resource. (
(3) “I have incarnated at one time, as you know, as the mother [of Jesus].” (“The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at
“I am thought of in many forms — as Mary, as Shakti, as Maré, which is very close because it is the word for ocean in your world and language.” (“Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at