So many military planners were looking for the knockout blow, the decisive engagement.
I just noticed that I’m looking for the knockout realization, the decisive experience. The spiritual version of the Big Bang.
After it, I see myself awakening and saying, “So everything every master has ever said is true.” Yes, each piece of the puzzle in its place, but all true.
And I rest back into not only certainty but also sufficiency, satisfaction.
It’s all true. And it always was and always will be.
That having been said, we’re still like the blind men inspecting the elephant.
One felt only the ear and described the elephant as like a blanket. The other felt only the tail and described the elephant as like a snake. Another, who felt the leg, said the elephant was like a tree trunk. All saw only a part.
Those who’ve seen the farthest say that no positive or negative assertion can properly be made about God. We seem to be wasting our energy in making them.
In seeking the spiritual decisive experience, I end up on a path with no terminus. I don’t know now and I face the prospect of never knowing.
When I acknowledge that, I find myself at a dead end, a cul de sac. There’s no forward exit from this place.
How do I go forward from here?