Who will bear witness to their suffering?
Watching the Ukrainian prosecutors’ revelations about Burisma was hard for me.
I was surprised because I’ve listened to much, much worse from refugees fleeing countries where rape, torture, and assassination are government practices.
But it reawakened things in me that I feel passionate about – which are relevant, I think, to building Nova Earth.
People serve in various capacities in society. One of those capacities I don’t think we give much thought to is people who serve as honest witnesses to the truth.
It can be as simple as filling out a medical prescription or certifying cause of death.
The people who do this work may not be called “honest witnesses to the truth,” but that’s the work they do, in full or in part. As I’ll come to below, the problem is, our society has allowed itself to become corrupted. And now we have fewer of this breed than a few decades ago and more of the other type.
For me an “honest witness to the truth” is a person who serves to certify or validate the truthfulness of a person or situation to someone else – the people, a government department, the press – and is herself or himself uncorrupted and committed to integrity.
As a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I was responsible for bearing witness to the people of Canada – and the courts that oversaw me – that this person standing before me was in all probability (1) a Convention refugee. I bore witness to the “probable” truthfulness or lack of it in their account.
I’m in tears when I remember some of those decisions. I sag remembering the weight of them – that is, knowing that some people’s lives hung in the balance. I had to get it right.
We’re heading into a time when people will come forward in various capacities – judicial, administrative, medical, etc. – to bear witness to the truth of what a person is saying. (2)
Our channeled sources are saying 2021 will be a year of revelation and a marching forward of the Light.
If so, this society will need people to certify the truth and those people need to demonstrate integrity that’s unquestionable.
Why does it need honest witnesses? Just think about it. With what you know about the shape of the world so far, you can surely imagine that there is a tremendous amount of work to be done.
That’ll involve the handling of large sums of money, working with governments, judging who is honest and who is corrupt, developing policies and programs to deal with each type, learning how to deal with strange cultures, on and on.
In some cases, too, as with the Refugee Board, it involves hearing what no one else in society should ever have to hear. If I told you what I heard in one case (Rwanda), you’d vomit. I sat for three hours in my office afterwards, too traumatized to speak.
In others, you’d be outraged. Someone needs to hear the suffering and respond on society’s behalf. Those that do risk secondary trauma on our behalf.
Someone also needs to deal with the actions of persecutors, criminals, and corrupt officials. I dealt with victims. I don’t know what the costs are attached to that work.
How have we been corrupted?
Deaths which were not from Covid are being registered as from Covid; the truth of 9/11, the Afghan War, and the Iraqi War is being covered up; the extraterrestrial presence is denied; jets regularly slam into the ground without agencies or the media investigating the real causes; witnesses or potential whistleblowers are regularly assassinated; judges sentence youths to prison for a kickback; technological advances are held back; large numbers of children are tortured and sacrificed … may I stop now?
This is my society. This is us. As within, so without.
In the process of allowing others to corrupt us, we’ve lost our honest witnesses. Our experts turn out to be paid by companies. Our government administrations turn out to be part of the attempt to take civil liberties away from the people. The FBI and CIA are (partly) corrupt. Government officials and elected politicians in large numbers are shown to be on the take and are “retiring” as we speak. Even our fact checkers are alleged to be corrupt.
Who is not corrupted? Who among us (and I speak particularly to lightworkers) will bear witness to the truth? (3) Only an honest witness to the truth, in my opinion, should be entrusted with governance, law enforcement, medicine, etc.
(1) The legal test for a refugee claim is “a balance of probabilities,” probable, more likely than not. The reason for this is that refugees are fleeing their country of origin and don’t have access to resources that others do to help them prove their claim. They may have arrived without papers. Therefore the legal test is kept low. Therefore as well it draws more heavily on the adjudicator’s discernment – and integrity.
(2) BTW, we failed to end child trafficking by Jan. 1, 2020. I don’t think I’ll post public deadlines again. They carry with them the implicit need for a program and concerted effort. One needs to be willing to rally folks. Given the work that I do, I can’t get fixed on any one cause. Tomorrow I’m off on something else.
So I pray that we end child trafficking on the planet by Jan. 1, 2022 and I think there’s a good chance we will. For that to happen, someone who does want to focus on this one priority and create structure and program will need to take this on as their mission.
(3) I’m not talking about the Absolute Truth. There are various legal standards of acceptable proof; that is, truth. I consider it part of our global culture that we have legal standards for acceptable/credible proof. And honest officers of the court. In some places, I believe we may have lost this.