Credit: dan4kent.wordpress.com
When we know what awaits us, well, it makes the wait easier.
And what awaits us? Mike Quinsey put the matter in a novel way. He says that Ascension “is accompanied by the most exotic form of love that you cannot imagine.” (1)
I agree. I could not imagine the “exotic form of love” in the higher dimensions before I experienced it, off and on, for six months in 2015. Without that, I wouldn’t know what we’re talking about.
The Mother explains why we cannot imagine it.
“I am not suggesting that you have not loved and shared love with all your heart and that you have not demonstrated time and again your love for me, with your heart, with your mind, with your will, with your actions, with your forbearance, with your consistency, with your persistence, with all of who you are.
“But just as your mental capacities, your brain, your hemispheres have not been fully ignited, so the same goes for your capacity to be love, to experience love, both in the personal sense, the universal sense, and the spiritual sense.” (2)
She says that we won’t find this kind of love in the Third Dimension:
“[Ascension] is a complete redefinition of what it means to be human. It is the complete surrender and … elimination of the old third dimension, because love does not exist in that environment, not the love that I speak of this night.” (3)
In the sense that when we experience it, we’re no longer in the vibration of the Third Dimension, I can see that “love does not exist in that environment.”
The Arcturian Group explains what we often do with love:
“On the three-dimensional level, love is interpreted through states of consciousness that are deeply conditioned by beliefs in duality and separation. Love has been degraded into meaning sex, power, ownership of another, pain, punishment, or even in some cultures and religious groups, the sacrifice of human or animal life.” (4)
Often when we say “I love you,” we really mean “You’re mine,” “Don’t leave me,” “Remember who you belong to.” Our fear of survival, based on our not seeing that we’re eternal, turns love into a treaty of protection. But protection isn’t “the love that I speak of this night.”
SaLuSa made a distinction between “soul Love” and “physical love.”
“With your upliftment, what you are discovering is that there is a distinct difference between physical love and soul love. One is for the satisfaction of the physical senses, whilst the other is Universal Love for all life everywhere.” (5)
I’d extend the scope of the term “physical love” to “shadow love.” Everything about the ordinary love we feel is as illusory and unsubstantial as our shadows. It bears little resemblance to the love we’ll be feeling in what I hope turns out to be a little ways down the road.
We might then say that our movement overall is from shadow love to soul love.
In the end, we won’t have to worry because this kind of exotic, transforming, liberating love is where we’re headed anyways – and our Ascension to it cannot any longer be stopped. We passed the 51% mark some time ago. (6)
Jesus tells us how it will be when we lose ourselves in it, so to speak:
“What the Golden Age is all about [is] living in perpetual peace and security because the energy field in which you are all totally and eternally enveloped in is Love, which always provides for you abundantly. In that state of utter and unrestricted freedom to be yourselves your talents will blossom as you discard the masks you felt you had to present to the world to be acceptable to it.” (7)
I do know that space. It’s just as Jesus says. He’s describing what actually is in the higher dimensions, as hard as it may be to imagine.
He explains how love is working its miracle on us, slowly and gently:
“Love is gently and irresistibly inserting and establishing Itself within the hearts of all on the planet, dissolving resentment, anger, fear, and mistrust so that the attitudes and behaviors associated with them are released, thus allowing the New Age of peace, harmony, and abundance to emerge fully and embrace you all.
“It is an energy of immense power with which God has embraced humanity and the lovely planet that supports you. Its purpose is to raise your consciousness to new levels of awareness so that the reality that all are one, that there is no separation, moves forward from being just an interesting but little-understood fact – recognized mainly by modern physics and to a lesser extent by modern philosophers – into the mainstream of general knowledge.” (8)
This gradual transition from ignorance of Oneness to knowledge of it plus the love that we feel as a result of this knowledge will make conflict impossible, Jesus says:
“As this happens it will become more and more difficult for people to treat one another in ways that are not in alignment with Love. For many of you, that will seem to be a state of awareness that is beyond the bounds of possibility, in fact quite unattainable, as you look around at the violence flowing freely in nearly every corner of the world and see self-righteousness, anger, defensiveness, and fear seeming to drive people, often well-meaning people of honesty and integrity, into what appear to be unavoidable and fully justified conflict.” (9)
At times when I worry that the time is far off, I remember that the transformative, transfigurative power of love can work its miracle in an instant. (It did with me.)
We’re only one planetary “snap” or “ignition,” as Michael calls it, from leapfrogging over the intervening “space.” So I know the situation could change quickly and dramatically.
At that time, immersed in soul love, we’ll want nothing more than that others might share it as well.
(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 4, 2019, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) “The Divine Mother Explains Ascension,” October 5, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/10/05/the-divine-mother-explains-ascension/.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Arcturian Group, Sept. 20, 2020.
(5) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(6) “You, as a collective, and particularly within the lightworker community, are almost complete in what you would think of as this transition. Now, it is not so for the general populace, but it is well underway, certainly well above what you would think of as the fiftieth percentile.” (“Archangel Michael: It is Time to Awaken Fully Now – Part 1/2,” June 11, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/archangel-michael-it-is-time-to-awaken-fully-now-part-12/.)
(7) Jesus via John Smallman, November 22, 2014.
(8) Ibid., Jan. 23, 2013.
(9) Loc. cit.