(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
What do others say about the Mother’s intention?
Archangel Michael: One of the ways in which the Mother is utilising the various phases of the Pause… well, She did not release the Covid, but She is certainly using the situations that have been created by humans – as error, not as Plan – is to make sure that people are calm, that they are staying home, that they are evaluating, re-evaluating, and then re-evaluating again: “What is truth? What anchors the feeling of peace within your heart?” (1)
AAM: Your world, this beautiful planet, this Archangel Gianna, has not gone dark; it is being illuminated; it is being transformed; it is awakening into the dimensional reality of Christ Consciousness, into the dimensional reality of love, into the dimensional reality of grace, of ideation.
This is intended to be the time of silence, the time of the in-breath, the time of re-examination of what is truly important, valuable… not in the esoteric sense or in the physical sense… but in the combination of what makes your life rich – not only tolerable, but rich and profound – and, yes, sweet one, joyful. (2)
What should we do in the Pause?
Peggy Black and the Team: You are really in a Pause [where] there is a resetting of the internal as well as the universal clock. What was is no longer. As you rest in the Pause between what was and what will be, breathe deeply several times, place your awareness in your heart and begin to radiate from this place.
Welcome the insights that come to you. Be gentle with yourself as you slowly allow the timeless aspect of yourself to come forth and show you the way into this new portal of time that has emerged from your dedicated work and service to the light of transformation. (3)
Archangel Gabrielle: We wish to remind you of who you are. … You have traveled throughout the galaxies, and you have gathered and garnered the wisdom… sometimes through tragedy, often through victory, and often turning tragedy into victory.
You are alchemists and that is partially what you are doing right now… you are using this alchemical moment to transmute, transform, transubstantiate energy into love. (4)
Archangel Michael: Sweet angel of light, it is extremely important that you – and I mean you, all Gaians – take this time, yes, to inner and outer reflect upon what it is you are not only desiring to create but are creating.
And it is insufficient to say that you are creating Nova Earth, that you are anchoring new societies, new communities, new ways of being, because unless it is up close and personal – a reflection of the innermost desire and plan of action for the unique, individualised, sacred self – it is meaningless.
And so the creation, the taking time in this pause to truly bring forth in the clarity of one’s hopes and dreams what you truly wish to birth, is a pivotal element – a critical piece – of what you are doing individually and collectively.
So it is necessary during this time to take the time, to take the moments – not to live in fear – but to catch one’s breath and say, “Now… what do I really want? What is true and valuable to me? And then, how does that reflect out into the broader community? What are the gifts that perhaps I have kept hidden, that I have kept under a bushel basket, that I wish to bring to the forefront to share not only for my own joy and glory, but for the collective?”
These are the questions that we encourage you – all being – to focus on at this time. Take the pause and breathe, sweet one. Go into the stillness – the stillpoint – of your heart and get ready for the actions.
Now, the purpose – the bigger purpose – of the pause is for people to simply stop, take a breath, make some fundamental choices and stay still. But for those who are coming at this in a state of high alert for survival, it will take more for them to get the benefit of what this pause is really about. (5)
What do they say we should not do?
Saul through John: [There] are, of course, aspects of the collective ‘stuff’ that are arising to be released, as humanity moves through the awakening process, as is also the chaos, uncertainty, confusion, disagreement, and vociferous divisive argumentation that you see reported in the news, and which is also constantly being repeated on all the social media channels.
Do not spend time there because it drains your own energy fields and adds to the collective and damaging divisiveness. Instead, go within – even if you do not get any sense that it is meaningful or worthwhile for you to do so – because when you do you strengthen and intensify your individual energy fields so that they can integrate more fully and effectively with the Tsunami of Love.
You are all extremely powerful beings, even though you probably do not feel this, and when you individually set the intention to be only loving, whatever may arise in your own individual lives, or worldwide, it is exceedingly effective, and, of course, you incarnated to be in form precisely to do this at this moment in humanity’s evolution or, more accurately, its return to knowing itself as Reality. (6)
9D Arcturian Council: We are watching and waiting for the right opportunities to bring you even more of the downloads, upgrades & activations that you have been asking for and that we know you need to thrive there on Earth.
But if you continue to disempower yourselves by exploring the latest conspiracy theory, then you are going to be closed off to what could ultimately help you and everyone else on Earth avoid that scenario that someone is blogging about. …
One of the reasons why we tell you to tune out from all that is being speculated about on the Internet is because when you are in your heads and out of your bodies, you are not very receptive.
When you are tense, or even afraid, you are not very receptive.
When you are angry about something that may or may not happen, you are not very receptive.
When you are angry about something that isn’t even true in your reality, you are also not very receptive.
That is why we will continuously invite you to do what brings you the most joy, what lights you up and turns you on.
We will continue to invite you to look within yourselves, to connect with nature and Mother Earth, and we will do so because we know that when you are in a more relaxed or more joyous state, you are far more receptive to what you want and what we want to give you. (7)
(Concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) “Linda Dillon: Archangel Michael – Peace Comes from Alignment with Truth,” September 25, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/09/25/linda-dillon-archangel-michael-peace-comes-from-alignment-with-truth/.
(2) “Linda Dillon: Archangel Michael – The Mother’s Plan of Rebirth:3 The Bigger Picture,” June 12, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=311180.
(3) “Peggy Black and the ‘Team’ ~ One Flow of Circular Energy,” November 14, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/11/14/peggy-black-and-the-team-one-flow-of-circular-energy/.
(4) “Archangel Gabrielle: In This Time of Pause,” April 10, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/10/archangel-gabrielle-in-this-time-of-pause/.
(5) “Archangel Michael ~ The Tide Has Turned (Part 2/2),” April 3, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/03/archangel-michael-the-tide-has-turned-part-2-2/.
(6) “Saul Through John: Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance,” November 14, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/14/saul-through-john-not-one-of-you-is-here-by-chance-by-force-of-circumstance/.
(7) “The 9D Arcturian Council: Downloads, Upgrades & Activations Leading to Dec. 21st,” November 15, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/15/the-9d-arcturian-council-downloads-upgrades-activations-leading-to-dec-21st/.