Very thought-provoking. One of the best summaries I’ve read.
I don’t know Restive Sage but I admire the way she or he has put this together.
“Knowledge of the Plan and Intel Sources” by Restive Sage – 5.31.20
Entry Submitted by Restive Sage at 5:53 PM EDT on May 31, 2020
It should be self-evident that the planning and detailed mechanics for the GCR/RV [Global Curency Reset/Revaluation] go back many years. The Plan is a brilliant combination of new technology, advanced economic theory, comprehensive financial banking acumen, computer re-programming and world system re-organization.
My belief is that once real people evolved this plan, at the behest of the Elders, galactic assistance was able to be assured. It had to be “our” plan, otherwise they would not get involved. The authors knew It had to work planet wide. The complexities involved required a level of brilliance and international cooperation hard for mere mortals to comprehend. Originally designed to work with the old-school SWIFT system, which was early 1990s technology, the lack of financial system efficacy and safety protocols (using SWIFT) was a very real problem. It formed an early roadblock to achieving a successful transition.
The reality was that there were so many “back doors” and “secret chambers” in SWIFT that there was a fear the cabal would reap the harvest not us. Then we would be in a much worse position than if there was never a GCR/RV. The authors knew they would only have one shot, and it had to be right. These backdoors were designed in purposefully by the highest levels of the cabal. Even the cabal itself was fearful of its own programmers and computer-system scientists doing the same “back door” thing to them.
They also feared the imposition of an embedded blackmail-oriented “kill switch” into the code. The authors of the GCR/RV plan knew they needed to shut down those holes in SWIFT. Otherwise, many if not all of the large moneyed accounts and wealth management trusts being creating via the GCR/RV process would be subject to unidentifiable theft or even to being zeroed out.
After 9/11, which was a back-lash to the early Alliance efforts, the resolve already driving the Alliance leadership firmed [??]. There was an ardent push for goal-oriented progress. In liaison with their highest level advisers, they were convinced they needed to incorporate key discoveries in the realm of quantum physics. These showed much promise back then in being adaptable to their purposes.
Thus, in the early 2000s they decided to wait a bit until the new Q-chips gained capacity and were more fully refined. And it’s a good thing that they did. The new technology led to a far better quantum financial system or QFS than would have been possible with SWIFT. Ideally, they wanted it to piggy-back on top of SWIFT and for two very good reasons.
One was, by doing so, the AI brain in the quantum system could ferret out all of the original “back doors”. It could also provide specifics as to account owners and account numbers. Thus, normally elusive and well-disguised members of the cabal, corrupt national leaders, money-launderers and various high-level criminals could be exposed. So refined is the AI in the computer, that the time required to trace the links to illicit high-end cash accounts, proxy national accounts, proxy deep-state accounts or tax evasion scammers could be timed in minutes or a few hours, not days or weeks.
A few years back, many deep financial secrets came to be known as the QFS was moved into an active status. Yes, it has been up and running for a while now. While some of that information had already been discovered long ago, it ran much deeper than they had ever thought. It is only a small amount now, relative to the larger GCR/RV funding figures, but it is good to know that a large part of this hoard will be returned to mankind.
What the average person may not realize is that a significant part of the early stages of The Plan required that existing members of the cabal, at all levels in the chain of wealth ownership, decision authority, corporate boards, and banking operations, be turned or flipped. The authors understood that they needed extra numbers of qualified and high-functioning people on their side.
Once these rather nervous target players realized there was a comprehensive and viable plan in action (especially one that had the backing of the United States military and high-level leadership, the Chinese government at the highest levels, and the Russian government at the highest levels), they quickly paid attention.
While seemingly odd, many of the cabal pool of members were heartily if secretly disgusted by what they had gotten caught up in their youth. Some were born into certain families, and had little choice in the matter. They desperately wanted out. But normally the only way out of the cabal is death. Secrecy and loyalty – at all costs – is the game.
At the risk of their lives, they grabbed at the chance to escape, and for some it was a last-ditch chance to salvage something of their immortal soul. Even the completely cabal-controlled British uber-government, French uber-government, Swiss uber-government and other EU nations at their uber level were turned on their head.
As the Plan was based on a new and pervasive flood of planetary benevolence and earth-preservation motivations, simply jailing or liquidating all cabal personnel and leaders was not the optimal strategy. The “do no harm” mantra applies to all, including the Alliance, who might seek to aid or change world systems, even those at the very top.
The early phases of this highly selective recruitment process went well. Many of those recruited were key cabal members, bankers, industrialists, bureaucrats, and deep-state solders. As all in spycraft know, there is a double benefit to making an enemy into an ally. While the highest ranks of the military in the G7 (and to a lesser extent the G20) included many core Alliance founders, there were some in these militaries who could not be turned. Some simply had highly divergent attitudes and could not be persuaded or trusted. Gradually, over a span of years most of the non-Alliance military people were encouraged to retire, were fired, forced out, honey-potted or, in some rare cases of overt aggression or double agency, liquidated.
The unbreakable was being cracked; and many in the cabal realized it would soon become a spiraling cascade. But not all gave in, unfortunately, not by a long shot. Those that did turn, who were not proven criminals, were promised protection and freedom from prosecution. It some cases they were even allowed to retain a measure of their wealth (up to certain limits).
By offering a way out, the Alliance could better expedite their goals on a faster time line. And of course the fast-spreading internalized knowledge that some had flipped gave courage to others to do the same thing. Surrender is contagious. Many were flipped secretly and became providers of vital intel from within the deep-state system. This was invaluable in helping the transition by providing access to intel even generals do not get.
Unfortunately, some became triple agents and then people died as a result, on both sides. There was hope for a long while that the cabal would finally capitulate and save themselves. That is not what happened. What do scorpions do; they lie and then they sting to kill. and that is what they are born to do.
The Transition has required an effort of a magnitude tantamount to war. We here represent, as was referenced in my posting yesterday, an integral part of the Transition. The mass hydration that forms the jubilee effect of debt elimination cannot work well enough if only approached from the top down.
Sardonically, thanks to the die hard cabal, there is now a major, major TRIAGE aspect to the coming GCR/RV. Our involvement will form a far more efficacious grass-roots wave of humanitarianism than governments can successfully manage. It has to be longer lasting than government can manage. It has to have a dimension which targets those in true need better than government can manage. It has to counter-balance local and state economic losses better than government can achieve.
Lives and health are at stake now more than ever. Since we are a very important part of the Alliance action plan, our hydration will, as no other part short of world peace, secure this planet from poverty, debt slavery, and eco-destruction.
Should we not be told the truth, right here, right now? If we are hours or a few days away, yes. Otherwise the answer is no, and I will tell you why. The Plan is well advanced now and some say very imminently manifested.
The original U.S. cabal plan to hijack the dinar in 2009 got delayed and fell apart. The advent of the new central bank in Iraq and its crucial oil reserves forced the Alliance to subsume that RV into the much more comprehensive Alliance GCR/RV.
Leaking out the knowledge of primary RV currencies and the Zim aspect of the plan in 2010-2012 was a calculated act of the Authors, who had good reasons for doing so. It is noted though that they merely copied the original U.S. plan (since some had helped design it previously). You may remember the full page ads in USA Today to convince Americans to buy Iraqi dinar? After the Iraqi RV was squelched, and blocked by the banking and stock market collapse in 2009, the Alliance (with pressure from the Elders, etc ) became increasingly convinced that all the newly added (and heavily inflated) currencies added to the RV basket should be made available to a “limited” number of common people.
At first many in the Alliance wanted to keep it held down to just the dinar. They questioned the avalanche of new wealth. The amount of money, however, that was needed to back stop the Quantitative Easing of 2010-2014 made them think twice. It was increasingly evident that the fiat system was becoming impossible to sustain. The more money they pumped in, the more the impact of inflation.
There was in the Alliance the fear of too many people buying currencies, too fast, potentially rocking the boat. They feared it making the air waves. But we here know who controls the airwaves. Never a mention in 11 years on MSM of the poor widows on Social Security spending their monthly dole on worthless Iraqi dinar and the incredibly inflated Zimbabwe wallpaper currency.
The Alliance correctly deduced that most Americans, very shy of scams, would reject currency purchases at the 99% level or higher. They conducted independent testing in the 2008-2010 time frame that confirmed the earlier U.S. deep-state studies done in advance of the Iraqi RV (which got cancelled). That meant that in 2003-2008, only a relatively small contingent of people, often of limited means, would buy just enough of the dinar to make the central bank happy, but it would not be more that 1.5% or 2% of the people.
And they were right; and the Alliance was right. You can’t fool Americans, right? So on the streets and in the homes of the U.S., the belief of the Alliance that the purchase of these exotic currencies would not gain overage traction was proven out, as we know to be the case today. Just the right number bought and 995 [99.5%?] rejection.
And as predicted a few would be gifted out; and a few bills would get lost; and some people would die and their sons and daughters would throw the bills out with the other trash in the sock drawer. Destiny for some. Just the right amount of people. The concerted effort to bring in a certain number to it, and at the same time discourage TOO MANY from doing so, was right on time. Who wants a worthless piece of paper anyway?
Those whose destiny is interwoven into the Golden Age are here reading this and we all “saw” it coming. We are the ones chosen in the dimension of dreams and overnight astral star travels. They knew that the gate was narrow and low. To think of it as anything other than a near worthless piece of fiat paper was irrational. There has emerged in this community a strong belief that it is Faith that has carried many here across the vast desert of waiting.
As to the Zim, which is the workhorse of the GCR/RV, the common knowledge that the hyper-inflation that they initiated in 2008-2009 was so rampant was used as the perfect cover. Does any government print gigantic bundles of money on high-quality German paper when you are in the middle of the greatest inflation ever recorded? Of course not.
It has been necessary for the Alliance to walk the tight-rope in terms of intel. For the masses, it was a foolish enterprise with near-zero chance of success. Not as much hopium out there as there is sensible thinking; you know…common sense. In actuality, those who learnt the true design of the plan saw its rather ingenious design.
The Zim aspect fully collateralizes the gold-backing of the QFS. The days of only select nations printing the money and controlling world affairs is soon to be over. As the largest consumer nation on the planet, the U.S. is getting the bulk of the exchange money. There is a need for a hearty consumer aspect to raising the worldwide economy up.
The price is a retrenchment of worldwide domination militarily and adherence to peace treaties already signed. International relations must progress forward. Where there is true justice, there can be human progress. We agree poverty needs to be eliminated. Providing a truly level playing field provides for a full-fledged global transitioning that, like a swelling tide, will lift all boats.
I prefer to believe the Elders knew, at a more spiritual level, that only those with a refined spiritual covenant would attach to the new system’s vibration. I believe they can see us very clearly as willing servants, dedicated to ushering in a new Golden Age.
Willing servants, full of love in our hearts, we will sally forth; not as slaves to a debt system but as servants with the dignity and wherewithal to make things happen for all the people. Regardless of the country, the people, the religion, the politics. the people. And so I say, as I have for a long time, that a 1:1 exchange rate for all targeted currencies results in planetary transformation.
Back here at IDC and some of the other guru sites, and on some of the calls, there have been quite a few who claim access to well-positioned intel sources. It is human nature to want to research matters of importance and gain facts. In this process, there has been painfully little in the way of any sort of hard verification.
However, it is logical to think that anyone with some tidbit of meaningful intel would be possibly at risk of their position and livelihood. Perhaps they would fear being monitored and listened to. Yet, there are people of courage out there, brave warriors wearing many uniforms, or maybe a young man in jeans and a plaid shirt at his first job. Maybe they would see a leak as an altruistic act. And I can see a well-placed banker who has been training exchange personnel who might have a secret motivation to share this info with his or her “fellow Christian brothers and sisters” (as long as they would not be discovered in doing so).
The same possibility attaches to a member of the deep state who has possibly been turned or possibly whose affinity is also for the “common man.” Maybe a DoD person might feel similarly and take the risk. And there are other leak scenarios. The fact of the matter, we realize, is that the Alliance is served best by giving us just enough to keep us in the game. But not the exact date and time. Never. Because of the markets.
The reality is that enough is being leaked to keep us involved and encourage us. They do this so that we do not drop out. We have lost many good people already due to death or debilitation or homelessness. People that would have been wonderful humanitarians. Now they are no longer part of our ready team.
My heart goes out to their families and to their souls. The Alliance is more eager to engage the exchanges than we are. Just the right number, give or take a few thousand. If you are an intel person who believes you are sharing vital and significant information to our group, please try to be discerning and ascertain the reliability of your source. Some here have dropped out because of the endless back walls and disappointments.
By the same token, if you honestly believe in your source, we want to hear about it. We are eager to hear confirmations that we are still on track. We need to know that we will be needed. Assisting in the greatest transition of world power since the discovery of the New World by the Spanish is historical.
It is fair to say that most of the gurus and intel providers have played a key role in keeping us in the game. The Alliance wants us healthy, happy and wealthy. We are important, no very important, to the final outcome. On the other hand, as we get into the dynamics of our exchange, and the identification, protection and management of our wealth, we would do well to protect ourselves at all times. Excellent advice, excellent wisdom. Thank you to those here who have pointed this out recently, obviously wishing for us the best result as we move into our place in the new economic system.
Restive Sage