It’s relevant to repost this series on the SARS pandemic and vaccine. Nothing probably has changed in terms of the cabal’s aims and plans in mounting another pandemic and planning another toxic and chipped vaccine, as Matthew Ward has noted, in the service of world domination.
(Concluded from Part 2
Toxic Vaccines
Not only did the dark create lethal pandemics; they also invented toxic vaccines. If they couldn’t reduce the population one way, they’d do it another.
SaLuSa tells us about the vaccines.
“The threat of Swine Flu is grossly exaggerated, and the vaccine can be every bit as dangerous as the flu itself.” (1)
“Currently the dark energies are directed at people through the threat of mandatory vaccinations. There is always something on the agenda of the dark Ones, who still stare defeat in the face but have no humility to admit it.” (2)
Matthew tells us that the galactics have neutralized the swine-flu vaccine.
“Just as in the previous flu situations, the technology of our universal family has neutralized the swine flu virus-laden vaccines and will continue to do so as long as the makers persist in their scheme. And please have no worries about programmed microchips being implanted via inoculations – if that is attempted, the programming will be erased by that same technology.” (3)
No Diseases in Higher Frequencies … and No Illuminati
The more intense the energies are that are being beamed to Earth and causing our consciousness shift, the less likely we are to encounter disease any more, Matthew tells us.
“In the higher frequencies where spiritual clarity reigns, there will be no new laboratory-made diseases – which AIDS, SARS and many other contagious diseases now afflicting Earth are – or toxic pollution of air, water and soil, which also is man-designed for the purpose of causing sickness and death. And the effects of radioactivity, which even now are being alleviated by the technology of your extraterrestrial friends, no longer will affect Earth and her life forms.” (4)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn told us that the corrupt medical system will come under great pressure as we move further into the New Age.
“You will begin, in this new period, to see other ‘systems’ begin to falter as the illusions that underlie them are revealed. Your Health systems will come under great pressure, as the greed and manipulations related to money become evident.” (5)
Medical evidence gathered will eventually contribute to toppling the Illuminati, Matthew says.
“Evidence of this new flu effort and other Illuminati activities to drastically reduce the population is being amassed and eventually will completely eliminate that dark group’s long control through fear, ignorance and economic slavery.” (6)
Matthew tells us that the intensifying energies will bring all corrupt activities of the Illuminati to light.
“In the ever intensifying light, leaders who follow Illuminati orders will be toppled and replaced by wise leaders with integrity and honor. The ‘black ops’ behind terrorist activities will be revealed, the origins of “pandemics” uncovered, chemtrails stopped, mind control measures ended.
“Incrementally, like a row of dominoes slowing falling, all sources of corruption, deception and vile intent will be unmasked.” (7)
In the face of the intensifying light, Saul reveals, everything hidden will be revealed.
“All that has been kept secret, hidden, and dark, is starting to be revealed, shocking many of you. And it is only the start. So much has been hidden by those who would keep you enslaved, enabling them to “justify” wars – on drugs, illiteracy, aids, cancer, heart disease, poverty, unemployment, terror, etc. – which strengthen their positions of authority and privilege. No more!
“The already crumbling illusion will collapse under the weight of the lies, deceit, and corruption that you are no longer willing to accept. It is not of the New Age into which you recently entered; it is not compatible with Love – the underlying foundation and infinitely powerful energy field of creation – and therefore, unsupported by the collective intent of humanity, it cannot survive.” (8)
As we rise higher into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, the bodies of those who’ve chosen the dark will be unable to survive and many illuminati will be obliged to leave.
Since our early history, the Anunnaki and their minions and heirs, the Illuminati, have used disease and cures for disease as a means of making money off the population, causing death, and creating fear to keep the population docile and reduce its numbers.
Their latest invention has been pandemic diseases and toxic vaccines. Their modern goal was the reduction of the human population from 7.3 billion to 500 million. They would have gone even to nuclear war to create the conditions for a mass killoff while they survived in their underground bunkers.
Pandemics and vaccines joined the arsenal of weapons they used against their own population. Our galactic brothers and sisters defeated their attempts to use pandemics and vaccines on Earth’s population.
We might want to notice that there have been no significant outbreaks of anything remotely resembling a pandemic recently. This again is another indication of the progress being made to transition control from the global cabal to the people of Earth.
(1) SaLuSa, Sept. 9, 2009, at
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2009.
(3) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.
(5) Archangel Michael, “Awakening to the New Earth and Living as a Master of Light. The Energies for January 2009,” through Celia Fenn, at
(6) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.
(7) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.
(8) Saul, August 4, 2013, at