I offer Part 2 of my partial transcription of The Divine Feminine Video, recorded April 26, 2020.
This video gathering of six powerful Spiritual and Healing women, in the USA and the UK, reminded me that “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 ( NKJV)
There is no question that a group generates more Light-power exponentially than a single soul. The collective ascension of Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity, which is a Creation-first, is only possible because the collective asked for it.
In a video chat with Simon and Becky Parkes, Magenta Pixie said: “The Nine say, when you come together, united, within that collective power you can move mountains, you can change and create worlds… and that’s what we’re doing.” (2.)
One of the most successful and essential tenets of the 12-Step Program is the meeting. People gathering in a safe space and sharing their guts out with like-addicted people is healing and empowering. It gets one through “One day at a time.”
In this now moment on Earth, when we are actually (finally) in the Galactic Shift from the old Third and Fourth Dimensions, and visualizing and embodying the beautiful, paradisical, Fifth-Dimensional Nova Gaia, it is healing and helpful for Lightworkers to connect with each other.
It’s important for each of us to know that we are not alone. Everything we may be feeling — grief, joy, clarity, confusion, worry, happiness, despair, energy, exhaustion, excitement, connection with Spirit one moment, zero connection the next, dancing with happiness one minute, dissolving in tears the next — all of that and more is being felt by every one of us.
Roller-coaster emotional, physical and Spiritual reactions are appropriate to never-before-seen circumstances in the history of All There Is. Remember also, we’re not only clearing our own inner baggage, but everyone else’s as well—Gaia, Kingdoms, Humanity, Galaxy, Multiverse, Timelines, Dimensions—all of it.
There was much discussion in the Divine Feminine Video Part 1 about 5G towers and their negative effects on the Human body. It was felt that we need to globally come together and yell a collective NO! Enough! No more of your BS technology designed to harm us. NO! NO! NO!
In that video Magenta Pixie said, “32:13: I personally feel we need to come at this with every dimension… we are workers in the Higher Dimensions… some of us work in multiple dimensions… there is something there to deny consent to, within the 4th and 3rd Dimensions… not within the 5th Dimension; it’s not there… it is utterly pure.. there is nothing to deny consent to… it doesn’t exist in the New Earth…it doesn’t exist in the 5th dimension… but it does in the 4th and it does in the 3rd… and we’ve got to work multi-dimensionally in order to deal with this situation we are in on this planet (5G towers.)” (3.)
I was reminded of two recent and differing opinions, on the subject of 5G:
In a Q&A video by Elizabeth April, recorded on April 13, 2020, she asked a viewer’s question of her “Pleiadian Security Council,” which is the part of the Galactic Federation she communicates with:
“21:00 Question: 5G—Can you please comment on the radiation that we are all being affected by? Why is it on this planet? And what do we need to know about how to heal ourselves and live our best life?
Pleiadian Security Council: We need to assure you of something regarding technology advancement and radiation output. Our crafts have large amounts of radiation emitting from them. Now, while other species have evolved beyond the effects of this, there are some species who have not. Such as yourself.
We use Quantum technology and Zero Point to work with shielding the equipment from living organisms. You may not accept this answer; however your civilization will be advancing in these systems and will need solutions rather than determent. We will be providing the right people with the right solutions for these issues.
Similar to the fear surrounding the pandemic, 5G needed to happen on your planet at this time. It’s helping the world to wake up. Due to the unpredictable nature of the future, we cannot comment much more on this. The last thing we will say is that it’s time for all of you to band together collectively, consciously, in order to make this world a better place. We will simply assist you in your intentions.” (4.)
David Wilcock has a different POV. He does not believe 5G will be “allowed” to harm us. He was asked that question in a video I transcribed on April 1, 2020:
“1:43:45 Question: How does this fit in with 5G?
David Wilcock: When I was working with Pete Peterson… I met the guys who were allowed to bring out 5G… they lived in Idaho… the original version of 5G was called Air Fiber… I met them in 2010, 2011… back then I was really excited about it… because I saw a speed test they did of it… 100 megabits per second… I asked these guys… about Health considerations… is this thing dangerous to Biological life?… they told me, no… well you’ve got to have studies that show it was tested and safe… they said it was safe but they didn’t have that information… I heard all this way back when… now 5G is coming out…
1:45:30 There have been a number of things that have been released into the public consciousness… there’s been this recording of this English guy, (doesn’t say his name)… saying the real reason people are dying from the coronavirus is because they’re turning on 5G…
1:46 Wait a minute… if that’s true then why have all the cases dropped off?… it’s NOT 5G… it’s simple logic… but I always look deeper… 5G could be a way in this case to get people’s attention AWAY from the coronavirus now that the deep state knows that it’s going to be exposed as actually being man-made, highly contagious… is it possible that 5G could piggyback on this virus to make it worse? Possible… I’m not saying it isn’t…
1:51:28 What does it say in the Law of One about life on Earth?… it says that we are totally protected… nothing will happen that will disturb the so called Ascension or Harvest… they will not allow a nuclear war… they will not allow anything on Earth that will cause mass death… the beings themselves will not allow a pandemic to occur… there‘s a great deal of evidence for this…
1:54:35 Because there are powerful and wonderful Angelic beings that are behind all the world’s leading Spiritual traditions and religions… they’ve been trying to get us be more loving, to love each other… they’re not going to let these idiots destroy the planet… they simply will not allow it to happen… the deep state will keep petitioning… well, can we try to nuke everybody? Nope… can we try to create a debilitating global financial collapse?… never happened up until now… not gonna happen now…
1:55:10 [Covid-19] is not killing very many people… Society’s going to come back on… the lights are going to come back on… and it’s very likely that we’re getting this amazing Global Economic Reset… arresting of deep state perpetrators… you look at how confident Q is…” (4.)
I leave the discussion of 5G there for each to consider how they feel about it and what, if anything, they want to do about it.
Handing it back now to these marvelous six women. Enjoy.
Peace, Health, Abundance — Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Divine Feminine Round Table video with Paula Connor, Magenta Pixie, Laura Eisenhower, Christianne van Wijk, Tara Perry & Nina Starsong, 4-26-20
Partially transcribed by Kat, Part 2
47:24 Magenta: I think you should publish this Paula as well, for another reason… cuz when Laura and I did our chat yesterday… I noticed that people were feeling empowered doubly because there were two women there… two women saying the same thing… I don’t just mean women… but this is very much as we know a Divine Feminine energetic right now…
To have a circle of women come together, when people watch this… they see that Divine Feminine energetic moving as the circle, as the hareem, as the power structure, the high priestesses, we need to present that energy…
48:05 And that is what the Nine mean when they say united you stand showing this unity… this togetherness… so much power is created when we get together and we’re speaking on this higher level about 3rd dimensional real world, physical world things… but we are still using Higher dimensional energy and Higher communication in order to communicate about this… and to show that to people brings them into that energy…
48:27 Magenta Pixie: And I’d also like to draw attention to Nina… it was so profound what you were saying about the voice that said to you, “You need to leave otherwise you will be trapped here…” and you listened to that voice… that is such powerful connection and synchronicity… and we are all potentially in that situation… we don’t know… everything is very unknown… even though we can see the futures, we can see the Timelines, we can see the eventualities…
But we’re not quite sure which Timeline will manifest to get to the culmination point where the dark cabal is taken down and we move into this New Earth… there are many ways to move towards that… it might be that many of us have to leave our homes, that’s quite drastic and probably won’t occur but it’s potentially in the Timelines… or we might have to leave a website or leave a connection or no longer be connected to this person or this group… and we have to follow that [inner]voice… so it’s wonderful that you explained to us what happened when you were in Paris… because if you hadn’t listened… and it’s so easy not to listen… we’ve all done it… I’ve ignored that voice so many times and then thought… why didn’t I listen to you?!… if you hadn’t listened you would have been in Paris [still] and wouldn’t have been able to get home
50:00 Nina Starsong: …I was receiving these very strong activations and downloads and I could not handle receiving those energy downloads and activations… my physical body was going into what looked paralysis, anxiety, panic attacks… which I had never had my whole life… and I had been through extreme abuse and trauma… and my whole life has been pretty wild… so for me to know that whatever this was had that much power over me… I essentially surrendered and looked up… from Source I added… “SOS. I can’t handle this. What is happening?”… and that’s when this booming voice came in and said, “Leave or you will be trapped”….
And I think that that’s so important right now that we all also get really vulnerable and honest with, “I can handle this — I can’t handle this”… and ultimately what it was it was my Higher Self coming in and saying… “This situation is not a match to who you are and your Sovereignty and I’m telling you from your future-self that is already here right now… that you need to leave this place for what you’re headed for is going to be an extremely different Timeline… and some people have chosen that but you have chosen something else…”
51:30 So I just get chills when I talk about this because I’ve seen that so many of us are going to be in a way saved by our future higher-selves directing us through this every step of the way… and when I lately have been connecting with the Pleiadians in this manner… I had this extreme realization now in the physical body… of realizing I was talking to my future-self that had come back in this moment to remind me and direct me and as long as I continue to listen to that voice… that will guide me to exactly that Timeline that we’re all on together… so that’s really where I am with this right now is…
52:18 OK I see all of this going on (covid-19, lockdown, etc.) but in a way to me, this is all an illusion… it’s a choice… I have a moment to moment choice right now to either let these frequencies change my focus… off of the Timeline that I’ve chosen or not…
And also I have been totally breaking down… totally crying… and totally processing all of my very human and ancestral… just all this stuff… and lifetimes and karma and also having Soul mates suddenly appear to remember things we went through together to activate these pieces… and all of this is so important too… it’s not all about “oh I’m all love and light”… no because we can’t actually ground these higher frequencies into the body, into the Earth, connecting to the New Earth crystalline core, unless we are also doing our own inner work… so that we can receive this in our body… because it’s not anymore about vibrating out of the body… it’s about the body… so that’s been a huge reminder for me too…
53:30 Tara Perry: You know what ladies, yesterday I was thinking about grief ceremonies… and how grieving… the Ancients did or many cultures now even still do it… of grieving together… we are having to unplug… and let go of so much whether it’s an emotional trauma… or a feeling of a loss of a loved one…or our identity… or just seeing what looks to be happening on the surface of everything… it’s like those times of those tears it’s purifying… it’s healing…
But I also feel that there’s something about collective grief that kind of gives permission… it’s just a powerful thing… crying on our own, is crying on our own… the other day I cried all day I was super-sad and I reached out to Chrissie… and it was just that connection to know I’m not on my own, and we’re not on our own… and to share that we are not on our own through all of it, through thick and thin, and on that grief level… it’s just something I was really thinking about yesterday and it would be amazing to do something like that regularly…
54:44 Laura Eisenhower: I agree cuz if we look at even… regardless of coronavirus being a bioweapon or connected to 5G rollout… it is an attack on our lungs which hold grief… so on a collective level processing all the darkness coming to the surface… human trafficking… pedophilia… I mean things that are horrifying just to know even exist… and somebody who might be sitting in a jail cell, let alone our leaders of political worlds, religions… things that people have invested all their energy into, that have raised their children under those guidelines, and under their direction… all of a sudden it’s like…
55:20 Because Saturn conjunct Pluto and it’s the Pluto element that takes us into the underworlds and helps us to face that dark night of the soul… humans don’t really know how to do that because we haven’t been given permission to initiate… we’re handed drugs, we’re told we’re depressed and “Oh, stop being so sensitive, don’t cry”… and it’s almost like there’s a huge crisis in the lungs and throat…
So people can just say, “Hey. This is traumatic. This is unbelievable”… “What’ll somebody else say?” “And what if I shatter their reality?” “What if all this is conspiracy?”… so regardless of where this virus comes from… this collective grief is the growth period we’re in to face so we can cry and heal and release all the stress… all the harsh realities… and move through this initiation and begin to feel again…
Because all these compromised beings that need to abduct lost their emotionality… lost their reproductive capacity… because they shunned the feeling world… and so to be reminded to feel again… is going to help us strengthen the lungs, strengthen the throat… and also build stronger bonds because we need each other… we can’t do this alone…
And I cried before this interview… I’m like Oh my God… I cry all the time.. that was my old profession… I was like, OK instead of going out for a walk I’m going to cry for two hours and get on with my day… (laughter)
57:00 Paula Connor: I want to circle back to what Nina said… it’s so important to foster a connection and a relationship with your Higher-self… whether you call it your Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel or whatever… because that will keep us safe no matter how strong the storm is… to guide us through this… Humanity is waking up through all of this through what is being revealed… covid is the first trigger…
(Discussion about alternative medicine to strengthen the immune system… to deal with radiation… Trump…)
1:00:25 Christianne van Wijk (Chrissie): I did share with you didn’t I… about Trump appearing to me in a dream once as an enlightened Master in white gowns… and I said to him, huh, Trump? And he goes, yeah… and I said, but that doesn’t make sense… and he said, I know, I know, I’m just playing the fool in life, but that’s the way I do it in order to get my agenda… bring in the Golden Age… which was really interesting… and then a week later I got Obama in the dream and he was asking me to stop making the films… because his plan was already gonna… it was futile what I was trying to do because… the new world order was already in a far advanced stage… so it was very interesting that the goodie presented himself as a baddie and vice versa…
101:16 Magenta: That’s in alignment with correct energy, your dreams were… I’ve had a lot of people write to me with very similar dreams about Trump… people who couldn’t make up their own minds, didn’t know whether Trump was good or not… and then they had dreams that have answered those question for them…
101:32 Paula: I had a dream a couple years ago, 2 or 3 Summers ago… and he made a new Peace Treaty with the Galactics… that was the dream…. That he made a new Peace Treaty at the Higher Levels…. You had a dream too, Magenta, didn’t you? Of him moving papers…
1:01:50 Magenta: Yes I did… I had a dream of him sitting there, outdoors at a table and he was actually creating a Treaty with many world leaders… I had a friend contact me only last week… and that person had a Trump dream… this was one of the individuals that wasn’t sure whether Trump was good or not… was open to the fact that Trump was working for the Light… and then had a dream that showed him exactly who Trump was, just like Chrissie…
This is the Higher self… this is the intuitive aspect… everything we want to know will come to us… when we’re in alignment and when we let go of any resistance… there are so many people that have just decided that they hate Trump… and they put themselves into such a resistance place that they’re not able to open that energy… and relax with that energy… and then move into the alignment and see truth…
I had a lot of people… when I first started talking about Trump… cuz obviously I saw this when I first saw looked at his photograph I saw straightaway what he was and what his role was… so I made videos about it… and I had so many people write to me privately, absolutely attacking me… saying I was ridiculous and wasn’t really psychic, and was a fake and all this stuff… and then these same people wrote to me like year later… not all of them… to say I did go away, I was really angry… but then I started to listen to your messages… and then slowly over this period of time and seeing the things that Trump has done and looking behind the scenes and understanding the big picture… people have come back to me and apologized and said, I’m really sorry, you have opened my eyes and you were right…
1:03:52 So I think people really do need to understand what is going on… because if you can’t understand what Trump’s role is in this… you won’t understand the plan… you won’t understand why things are happening the way that they are…
1:04:05 Chrissie: And the reason why we don’t understand is because we’re already being taught from a young age in schools to listen with our ears… we’re not being taught to listen with the feeling… I’m really lucky that I kept that… and by the sounds of it you too… you can listen with your heart and then make your judgement… but so many people around me they’ve gone too much in the direction of intellect… it just doesn’t do us any favors when it’s not in coherence…
104:35 Laura: And that’s part of the divide and conquer too… because without integration of the heart we aren’t in our intuition… I had dreams too and felt this energy wash over me of just who this person really is… and I was like, whoa… I’m careful with what I share… but we have to remember that anybody who is that hateful about somebody who’s up against what he’s up against in our times… to think that anybody is a fake for even just saying anything positive… that person really needs to look at themselves…
105:00 we can make each other better people… we can support something that we might not even like… and feed it good energy… and see the good, and enhance that good, to help open the box for us to jump out of…because we’ve all been affected by societal conditioning… how can anybody hate somebody so much to not give them an opportunity to become the best of themselves…
So, you might not agree with Trump, people, but what is the point of putting so much toxic energy when we’re trying to create a global shift… that is absolutely standing in the way… but if we don’t really like him, hold space for the best of him to emerge… and if we do support him, then ask yourself, “Why are they supporting him?”… it’s not because of the Republican party… it’s because things like human trafficking are going down… crimes against humanity are becoming busted… things are coming to the surface that are helping us to see… these pedophilia rings and the most horrific stuff… under his administration.. can we at least appreciate that his administration has created more change than most in so long… thanks for letting me just have that vent…
1:06:02 Chrissie: Thanks for putting it so eloquently… and it’s such truth it completely resonated with me…
(Trump discussion cont.)
107:30 Laura: Obviously it’s a hugely scary thing for people to begin to think for themselves… You know what I love about Lightworkers they don’t have the animosity or the opposition in return to those that are asleep…we’re holding love and compassion and forgiveness, and we’re doing the best we can… whereas those that are asleep are out there waging war on those that are well-intentioned… we don’t stoop to that level… we don’t create assassination plans to go after some of these dark people…
108: Magenta: And incarnating in a female body does not make you embody the Divine Feminine…
(Trump discussion cont. and light vs darkness…)
1:13:35 Chrissie: You talk about the light, and I’ve recently been really talking about the dark… and how people think the dark is not good… I’ve been trying to speak about the balance between the light and the dark… and that the place where creation starts in a gestation place in this darkness… and that Humanity is starting to hopefully redefine what darkness means… and that the evil on this planet doesn’t fit in that bracket of darkness… but it’s in the bracket of sickness… disconnection…
Speaking of evil, what is evil?… for me it is ignorance… the not knowing the not understanding the consequence of my action… if people eat their food, their meat and I take them to a slaughterhouse… then suddenly it hits them, ok this is a cause and there’s an effect attached to that… the fact that they don’t know that is a sickness of Humanity…
1:14:35 Paula: Humanity only has in my knowing and in what I’ve been taught… Humanity’s suffering can be reduced to one single idea and that is the believe in separation… that we are separate from our Creator… that is where fear is born… the whole purpose of fear is to create more fear…
1:16:45 Nina: … There’s this great revealing happening right now, which I’m so grateful for, all the masks are coming off… so if you’ve been hiding behind a mask of Spirituality, that mask is coming off… and the true colors of souls are being revealed right now… to each other… and within that we’re communicating and seeing the world and each other on a new level… it’s like we can’t be us anymore which is amazing… and that is happening because we all really need to face the truth in ourselves and also collectively… so that’s just the piece I wanted to share…
1:18:40 Laura: That was amazing, thank you for sharing that… if we’re wearing a mask and we’re seeing it all come to a head… the division gets even worse… if we can hold space and forgive that as well as working on greater forgiveness of it all… we can realize that this is what it’s going to take for us to rehabilitate and walk the true path…
If we keep throwing people under the bus because they got it wrong… then we’re not really doing it… even if people were mistaken in that way we have to see the child become a mature Spiritual being… and we have to be a guardian to that process of transformation or else we’ll keep looping in this duality because it wouldn’t be integrated of us cuz we know how the shadow goes… that’s why the power of the feminine is so important… men have it too… the ability to nurture a child, our own inner child, to recognize that nurturing is how we thrive… forgiveness, compassion, giving a hug instead of the punishing patriarchy and how it’s created so much victim consciousness and fear…
121: Laura: …Partnerships, relationship… upgrading DNA… we’re all wounded, can we admit to that, and can we grow from that… Love is the point… fairy tales… battling darkness but never giving up and reaching for love… we’re all doing this together… ley lines…
1:26 Chrissie: I’ve been getting the words “round table, round table, round table” for a long time…when you (Paula) came up with the idea of us coming together I was like, yes… it is what is required right now… not just to do this once but it’s very potent and powerful to do this…
1:26:17 Magenta: Well the round table… when you look at the knights of the round table sitting in the round table, putting their swords in… so you have Sovereignty and Unity with the circle of the round table… there’s no leader… everyone is equal… and those swords that cross the table from the knights looking at the Camelot stories… then that’s the Matrix… so that’s the vertical pillar of light… which is the Excalibur, the sword… the vertical axis, which is the above and the below, the dark, the light, the positive darkness, the positive light… as you were saying earlier about darkness being positive… and the horizontal and the diagonal…
And this is the model that the Nine have shown me is this matrix… a simplified way of being able to understand the direction of the primordial (? word) field that is our energetic system in the body, and in the planet, and in the galaxy… so ‘round table’ is actually a code, a fire letter, known within the DNA…
Round table, Excalibur, Merlin, the dragon, Camelot… all of those are codes… every Starseed, every awakened individual will be connected to that story because that is global and planetary and galactic metaphor… it’s a presentation of an ancient language…
So round table, round table, is multi layered in its presentation… it’s a fire letter, it’s a code… it activates the DNA… it is what takes the DNA from the carbon based structure to the beautiful crystalline silicon based structure… that’s what the fire letters are, they’re codes to activate…
So when you come together and you communicate like this, you’re actually creating an amplification of energy… one individual can amplify their energy on their own… but when people come together in a round table they amplify the energy much much much stronger… and that’s what’s happening across the planet… we’re not all sitting on a literal round table on Zoom… but we are creating a huge huge round table right across the planet telepathically… it’s a telepathic, psychic, Spiritual union… and that’s what’s raising the vibration of this planet… that is what is going to create the New Earth… change everything in the Third Dimension… bring all the technologies forward that will help with healing… bring forward all the Ancient medicines and herbs… and take down the control structure… and free everyone from this years and years and years of slavery… and all of these crimes against Humanity… the round table is so meaningful on so many levels…
1:29:44 Paula: Many many years ago, I heard that one person connected to Source is more powerful than a million people in fear… then the image that they give me is on one side of my peripheral… it’s like a demolition happening… like a building is collapsing with all of the dust… and over here there’s this incredible Renaissance of Poetry, Literature, Art and this incredible innovation, and breakthroughs… and I love that image…
1:31 Chrissie: It’s just been a huge long term mind-control thing that has been playing… and as these shelves fall out… part of what is coming up… the grief that we’re feeling is… the grief of how could I not have seen this?… How did I get caught up in that? Why didn’t I see that?…
1:31:21: Magenta: I’ve actually had people say that to me… oh my goodness I’ve been so thick all these years… I’ve been so blind… and I’ll reply, no you haven’t, it just hadn’t come to you yet… but now it has… and it doesn’t matter when it comes to you… when you find the truth… when you do find the truth then it’s your time to step forward…
But I was going to say… Social distancing is creating the telepathy… the more they separate us the stronger we reach out with that signal… everything they do is backfiring… they are creating the very thing they’re trying to prevent… which is the Great Awakening… the awareness of everyone on the planet knowing what they’re doing… and their downfall… they’re desperately trying to stop it… and by doing that, they’re creating it…
(1.) Women’s Circle: The Art of Being A Woman
(2.) Magenta Pixie Interview 4-20-20, GAoG by Kat
(3.) “Divine Feminine Roundtable Video” 4-28-20, GAoG by Kat
(4.) Elizabeth April video: Q&A 4-13-20, GAoG by Kat
(5.) David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A, GAoG by Kat
Welcome to the Round Table Hosted by Paula Connor who is joined by a powerhouse of Divine Feminine Spiritual Teachers from around the world.
Paula Connor, Intuitive Consciousness Coach, HeartMath Certified Trainer and Coach,
Website – www.elevatemehub.com
Contact at – [email protected]
Christianne van Wijk – World of Consciousness, Investigative Filmmaker,
Website – www.mindthematrix.com/
Magenta Pixie, Intuitive Consultant, Consciousness Coach and Channel for The White Winged Collective Consciousness of nine
Website – www.magentapixie.com
Laura Eisenhower – Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist
Website – www.cosmicgaia.org
Tara Perry – Tara Love Perry is a Master Soul Reader, Author, International Speaker and Global Pioneer with her ‘”I Love You, Me” ~ 7 Steps To Transformational Self Love’ Method
Website www.taraloveperry.com Contact: [email protected]
Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Linked in Tara Love Perry
Nina Starsong – Contact at [email protected]
Website – www.
Recorded April 26th 2020.
Topics Include:
The importance of breath and supporting the body
Crystal and Indigo Energies, Divine Feminine, Our Sovereignty, Soul Families Connecting
Compassion and Forgiveness
Christ Consciousness, Body Changes and Feelings of Lightness, Buzzy
Importance of listening to your Inner voice your Internal Guidance
Feeling Vulnerable and reaching out for support
Crisis in the Lungs and Throat, Congestion
Collective Grief, Dark Night of the Collective Soul
Importance of FEELING again as We need each other as a collective Humanity
President Donald J Trump MMS Multi-Mineral Solution 1:00 Hour mark
Multiple Dreams from many people showing the truth of Trump
Guidance for those that have a great deal of hatred
Knowing will come when you are in alignment with the Higher Dimensions
Must understand multi-dimensions to understand what is happening with Trump
We can make each other better people
Unity Consciousness
Balance of Light and Dark within and Creation
Understanding Duality, Integration of Polarity, Higher Dimensional Perspectives
Great Reveal and the Removal of the Masks
Small Self EGO Mask
True Colors of SOULS are being revealed to each other, No more BS
Return of the Power of the Feminine
Global Resurrection and the Power of coming together
Meditate, Self Love is So important