So much is going on in our world and universe right now, it’s difficult to ignore. Even if our choice is to ‘stick our heads in the sand,’ the ‘sand’ is literally and figuratively being removed from around our head faster than we can bury our head!
Everyone is talking and sharing their experiences and opinions but what’s the real truth? And who’s truth is it?
Not all of what we hear, see, or read will resonate with us, and that’s okay. We’re all sovereign beings at different places on our own personal journeys making our own choices and having our own experiences. We must respect that.
The question, however, is do you consciously honor that part of you that feels it’s not in alignment with who you have become and disregard it? Or do you choose to keep pondering it as truth because your favorite news source reported it, or a channeler you follow received it from their guides, or a dear family member or friend shared it with you and, since they believe it, you do too?
Any point of view being shared is okay because it’s their truth and inner standing. However, when we don’t discern their truth from our own, that can be dangerous.
The Law of Attraction clearly demonstrates we create things, events, and people that come into our lives by the energy created through our thoughts, feeling, words and actions. That means we get what we think about, whether we want it or not. Why, then, as conscious creators of our own reality, would we want to focus on someone else’s beliefs and experiences if they don’t resonate with our own? It’s a brilliant, yet tricky and meticulous Universal Law!
Life is giving us an opportunity to really define what our own personal beliefs are. Gone are the days of indecisiveness and jumping on the ‘band wagon,’ just to fit in or be a part of something. The New Earth is here!
Most new things being created now are being created with Integrity, Trust, and Unity. All that is lacking any of these aspects is being disrupted, dissolved, dissected, and destroyed, so it can be revealed, recreated, refined, and/or reimagined in this New-Earth energy.
We’re all being fine-tuned and challenged whether we believe it or not.
Inner work is key. Becoming conscious of what triggers us is, I believe, God’s ‘gift ‘ to us. Triggers simple show us where we’re not in alignment with Source. Triggers are thoughts we’ve thought over and over again creating a belief and the ‘trigger’ (the person, issue, or event) is simply showing us a belief/energy that still exists in us giving us an opportunity to acknowledge it, feel it (not relive it or wallow in it), appreciate it and let it go.
Life happens for us, not to us. Life gives us many opportunities to strengthen our own personal faith beliefs, open our hearts and let go of old, ancestral patterns and cellular memories passed down to us through our DNA that no longer resonate or are in alignment with our Highest Self.
Daily distractions and headlines are giving us a plethora of ways to hone our faith by presenting us with opportunities to stand in our own truth and faith.
So, what is faith? According to the dictionary the definition of FAITH is:
1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something
2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
So, whom do you have faith in and what do you believe? Whom or what do you have complete trust or confidence in and what are your beliefs about God? These are all important questions to consider.
Interestingly, our reactions or responses to these questions and answers are our ‘gift.’ We’ll feel the answer in our bodies. If it feels good, you can trust it’s yours. If you feel your body contract, chances are it’s someone else’s truth.
If you’re not sure, simply ask your body the question again and consciously ‘feel’ the answer. Our bodies are fantastic information vessels, which unfortunately we’ve been programmed and taught not to listen to and respect.
Pain is an important messenger signaling something is out of alignment in our lives. Whether it’s Spiritual, Emotional, Physical or Mental, our bodies will awaken us to this truth.
Source, through our Highest Self, always prompts us to do what’s most beneficial in our lives. The key is that we have to have faith in these promptings and the courage to change our environments, living situations, work, friendships, lifestyle, eating/drinking habits, or even family relationships.
Anything that is of a low vibration is being highlighted and exposed in this new energy. We are being shown what needs to change in order to ascend higher. The choice is ours.
The Inner work, based on these ‘gifts’ and pain associated with what’s being highlighted, is discovering its source and asking the question: Does it strengthen my faith foundation or not? If it doesn’t, let whatever it is go with love. Also, genuinely appreciate whatever or whoever for the role it/they played in assisting your soul’s growth in this lifetime.
The Waves of Light and high vibrational energy currently flooding our planet is highlighting all that is not in vibrational harmony with our ascension and the World’s ascension.
Everything, everyone is being shaken, turned upside down, and inside out. It is and will be uncomfortable, and devastating at times to watch or be a part of. Choose to be an observer of life and a Lighthouse in the storm. Trust in your divinity and have faith. All is in divine order and serving a higher purpose.
We’re all of us a Spark of God. 2020, the year of clarity and insight, I believe, is about acknowledging the Spark and shining it as bright as possible through faith. Whatever you have faith in. That’s between you and God.
2020 is about change. It’s about being authentic. It’s about kindness, respect, unity, wellbeing, and love. It’s about choosing to live with integrity from our highest aspect of ourselves, remembering our divinity, trusting our inner wisdom and faith and creating Heaven on Earth. The choice is ours. What will we create? How will we choose?