(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
SaLuSa is not the only galactic reassuring us. Cdr. Hatonn speaking through Suzy Ward offered this reassurance:
“I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth.
“And if the bad guys try to put their own ‘secret’ craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going. “ (1)
Meanwhile, back in 2004, Matthew Ward, also speaking through his mother, Suzy Ward, exposed the dark intent of plans to explore Mars:
“The sudden determination of the US government to spend billions of dollars to explore and possibly colonize Mars is to us almost a laughable disguise for the dark truth, which is to prevent the light forces from en masse landings on the planet by extending the combat into space.
“Although this is put out publicly as a US exploration decision, it is the intent of the Illuminati globally to heat up their battle capabilities with this off-planet use of technological weapons that only a few scientists and the quiet elite there know exist. Of course this effort will be as futile as their attempts to use known nuclear weaponry have been.” (2)
He too debunked the idea that the cabal could mount a false-flag alien invasion and succeed:
“There are pockets of speculation, even belief, that as a last resort to retain control, dark ones in power will stage a ‘space invasion’ to unify all peoples in a common fear of the alien invaders. Thereupon the stagers would impose martial law, arrest dissenters on a massive scale, and create chaos never before seen on your planet. Even as they give no recognition whatsoever to the many reports of UFOs in your skies, they would try to plausibly fit those sightings of spacecrafts into their ‘invasion’ plans.
“Oh my! What is in chaos is the mentality of the ones who would try such a stunt! There will be NO ‘space invasion,’ and you can rely on your benevolent brothers and sisters to thwart efforts to bring the ‘little grays’ in battle gear out of their underground cities as proof that aliens have landed.” (3)
Therefore there are no grounds to fear a successful “alien invasion” or Project-Bluebeam, false-flag scenario. Just as the friendly galactics around our planet have neutralized nuclear weapons, so they also have the ability to foil any cabal operation.
While for karmic reasons they cannot intervene in all actions by the cabal, they can – and will – intervene in operations taken to fool Earth’s inhabitants into believing that they need fear the friendly galactics of the light federations currently around the planet in their millions.
(1) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/
(2) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/
(3) Ibid., April 19, 2008.