Planet Earth Poised to Enter A New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity ~ The Council of Angels via Goldenlight – Part 1 of 2
© The Golden Light Channel,, 2019. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when reposting this message.
Greetings we are the Council of Angels coming to you again on this crystal-clear high frequency day, in your “Now” time…as we have mentioned many times in our messages, “time” does not actually exist, all exists simultaneously in the great All That Is, and everything everywhere is an Emanation of Source Creator, including you, your loved ones, all beings in all star systems, all planets, all universes, and all multiverses, to infinity and beyond.
Ponder for a moment the great All That Is as we have described it here. That means there is no separation, no true dark or light, but instead a series of layers, patterns, and constructs making up dimensional realities, with each dimension reinforcing the next. In other words the 12th dimension would not exist without the 11th dimension, which would not exist without the 10th dimension, etc., all the way down to the dimension most of you are currently residing in which is the upper third/upper 4th dimension. You, as well as your planet, are all ascending into the upper fourth and lower 5th dimensions.
Each layer and dimension is currently moving up a notch or two, so that those of you who are residing in the upper third now will be moving into the upper fourth and some into the fifth dimension. Many of you actually already reside with your spirit and mind in the upper fourth dimension… those of you who are spiritually awakened and advanced leap between the upper fourth and upper third dimensions currently… this is why as you continue to ascend the “ascension ladder”, many of you will be going into the fifth dimension.
The fifth dimension is a state of mind and mental construct which supports the consciousness of unity, cohesion, service to others, compassion, love, understanding, inner peace and wisdom, healing, enlightenment, transcendence, and the higher abilities of telepathy, teleportation, clairaudience (“clear hearing”), clairvoyance (“clear seeing”), claircognizance (“clear knowing”), clairsentience (clear “feeling”), and a much stronger feeling of Oneness with All, Oneness with Source Creator, and oneness with other beings within your dimension.
Duality, which is one of the principles of the lower third dimension, does not exist in the fifth dimension…so duality concepts such as light and dark, anger and fear, love and hate, hot and cold, etc. are not experienced in such an extreme degree in the fifth dimension insofar as they exist only because their opposite exists.
As you ascend (or “go up”) in consciousness into the higher frequency dimensions, the high frequency energy surrounding your planet now will and is assisting your human bodies in being upgraded to withstand the high frequencies, as well as to reprogram the human brain and body to experience less duality in thought, feeling, and emotion. Ascend means to “go up or climb”, so you can see that ascension is basically a raising of your frequencies of consciousness.
The dimensions exist because of pattern holding and we of the angelic realm participate in much of this pattern holding and the beings who exist in dimensions are also a part of the upholding of these frequency-specific locales.
We say “locales” in quotes because it is not a location of the type that you are familiar with, such as in the third dimension, but the beings in these “realms” of consciousness (we will call them) are also responsible for the existence and continuance of the creation of these realms of consciousness. So you can see how in actuality each being is a part of the co-creation of everything.
The beings who exist in each of these realms of consciousness — which are also known as dimensions — each of these beings have similar consciousness frequencies and patterns to the other beings within their realm.
What is occurring now on planet earth is that your planet has moved into a highly charged, high frequency area of your current universe. This high frequency, higher dimensional energy, which continues to rise in crescendo each and every “Now” moment, is causing many, many beings on your planet to awaken and to raise their consciousness into these higher dimensional concepts of purity, unity, compassion, service to others, etc.
This high frequency energy is so strong (and becoming stronger), that one almost cannot help but to attune and adapt to it. This process is happening automatically as it was pre-programmed and chosen collectively by the group of your higher selves of those of you who will be a part of this New Golden Age.
This energy is causing, and continuing to create, a widespread wave of light across your planet which has been raising quickly in a crescendo since the year 2012 on your planet, in your timeline. This high frequency energy is surrounding your planet and has been embraced by dear Mother Earth Gaia herself.
Gaia is also a sentient being…yes your planet is a being just like you are …she has a body just like you do and her body is the planet…this is why to harm the planet harms the spirit residing within it, and this is why it is so critical at this point in your time timeline to begin to repair your planet instead of destroying it.
The raising of consciousness on your planet is a natural part of the evolution of the spirit, but it is being fostered by this high frequency energy. Many of you can tune into this energy and hear it, such as the transcriber of this message… she can hear this energy, and it is particularly loud today, as the sun in your solar system also emits this high frequency energy, especially on very clear days.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)